Finished Folds (1—20)
6there was no one left to manage anything. She checked her wristwatch. No, she was perfectly punctual, as usual. Yet there was no one at the office, and therefore no management.
3Ms. Chapman driving in a high speed chase was peculiar, as she often complained about how fast buses moved these days. Not to mention, she was totally blind in both eyes since the
4could imagine draping her naked body with pineapple pizza. Surely, the sight of her would bring any man, or woman, to their knees.
5The building was set ablaze. Everyone ran for the exit. Outside, rain began to fall.
4chance to escape these thugs, and her shoes were only slowing her down. Turning around the corner, Sugarpie managed to get lost in the crowd.
3audience that I knew was watching beyond the screen. Being aware that one was a fictional character was hard work.
7but she also wasn't a coward. So Kane stepped into the portal, but not before pushing her captor in first.
3Strawberry face would look like a true saint, and all he had to do was not murder his enemies!
4immediately began thinking of good traits to selectively breed. The problem with breeding humans for alien zoos is that they tend to talk a bit more than an elephant.
3fully aware that people knew I was was aware that I was conscious of their existence.
3underneath the nearest bench. The pistol jammed several times, and Amy threw it down in disgust.
4It's too late. They emerge from the depths. The quacking only draws nearer and nearer. You must flee.
5c art in this style was definitely favored by the criminal mind of Ford Fairlaine, deduced Det. Manatee, but this time he had the upper flipper.
5I think he was in love with her.
4delicious electrical current. The metal really enhances the flavor.
1It's so cold in the office where I'm interning. I have to take a sweatshirt with me, even though the weather outside is scorching.
3someone attempting to play the tuba with their butt-cheeks, but no one else agreed with Amien's description of the strange sound.
2What followed was a joke so terrible that everyone in the audience died. The squid would find a place among Dads, who appreciated his humor. The end.
4But haven't you ever thought about it?" he persisted, "Just a single genetic error could have been fatal, but still so many people are here despite this." She didn't want to listen
3the egg came first, of course! this is because dinosaurs laid eggs, and dinosaurs were around before chickens. therefore the egg has existed longer than the chicken. (ihavenolife)