once there was a monster in my closet. he

  • once there was a monster in my closet. he was big and hairy. so hairy I

  • felt a strong moral obligation to shave the creature bald, collect the resulting clippings and dontate them to Locks of Love. Ethics be darned, this was for the greater good.

  • I narrowed my eyes, scoping out how I might gain the upper hand, the whole time wondering if someone would actually *want* the hair off of this thing hanging from their own head.

  • I was just too damn fabulous for this slop. I grabbed by ionizer and brush, "You call this hair? This ain't hair, honey. This is crap!" I threw the extensions against the wall

  • & kicked over the hot rollers. All the anger I'd ever harbored against stylists erupted right then & there. I smashed all the mirrors, threatened Fabio with a red hot curling iron,

  • which made Fabio think I was flirting with him, making me even angrier. With a can of hairspray and a flick of my lighter, I blowtorched the gossip mags and hair extensions

  • The salon was in flames around him but Fabio continued chatting to his client about holidays - what a pro! I at last calmed down & agreed to the Wrecked Strawberry rinse he'd recom

  • bined with the DNA of fetal pigs. It was heavenly as Fabio rubbed the fruity rinse into my

  • thigh. It felt amazing since I couldn't do it myself. I didn't know how and I never wanted to try it. He rubbed it all in and

  • then i orgasmed.



  1. lucielucie Aug 21 2013 @ 16:14

    More fun than any hairdressing appt I've ever been to.

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