I could use Google tools with...

  • I could use Google tools with...

  • students and have them conduct collaborative research.

  • Before any research could be conducted the students were required to submit how they intended to conduct the research to the university ethics committee

  • which consisted of monkeys (they were willing to work for less than minimum wage). I approached the committee nervously. "My group was hoping to, erm, study the effects of shock

  • tarts on monkey tastebuds." The committee tittered. I raised my voice. "NO! You don't understand! If we can determine a causal link between the consumption of shock tarts and sex

  • then, by natural selection over generations, the link between shock tarts & monkey sex will become so strong that all sex will be shock tarted." The committe rushed out to buy shar

  • k tarts and consumed them by the case. Suddenly realizing that they had bought shark tarts instead of shock tarts, they experienced gruesome side effects as numerous rows of teeth

  • grew out of every orafice, and I mean every one. Yes. Even that one. They went to a doctor, who was too scared to treat them, so instead they had to go to a back street dentist, wh

  • o had become a back street dentist because he didn't make it onto the Back Street Boys. He got close, he could sing, he just wasn't fearless. Now he was a back street dentist

  • and couldn't help but falter from one regret to another. His next major one would be that if he was a Back Street Barber, he could at least join a quartet. Sailor V.



  1. Zetawilk Jun 01 2013 @ 01:20

    As the French say.

  2. sundancer Jun 01 2013 @ 17:35

    Oh my!!!! The last few lines of this one just made my day. :-)

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