Finished Folds (1001—1020)
4These stream beds. These tree trunks. These mesa tops make my
6a spirited bout of self pleasuring later tonight. Thinking quickly, I used the copious amount of blood draining from my hand to make the assassin's exit all slippery. Then I passed
2shots around here. No d-bag named Felipe was going to whip rat tails and fling spitballs around here. That was Tripper's territory. So Tripper made his fingers into a 'V' and aimed
4& crisped his monkey hairs nicely but otherwise just seemed to piss him off. He did a lightning bolt blast aimed at my power tail but I used a force field to block. Then I invoked
5bedchamber. "Damn" the prince said. "Hey, I wonder what that Jasmine is up to. She was looking real curvy at the feast." Aurora shot out of bed. "You cretin!" The prince said "Hey!
2d take more zinc. Good for the yang." Normally Picachu would never let such a softball go without laying down a witty zinger or snappy comeback. But he was in a real funk this time
5redemptive example of brother-sister love. That is, until Hansel & Gretel found out that Cersei'd been f'ing Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all they knew.
5"I will always add to a fold which has mustard in it." she said. We shook our heads. What world was she living in? Her rapid mental degradation had shocked our family to the core.
3That was 14 months ago. Today is my day of reckoning. I'd requested two corn dogs just like at the Iowa State Fair as my last meal. But they brought no mustard with the corn dogs
4turns wood to ash so do Shetland ponies turn her libido to disinterest. Ever since they'd acquired the ponies, she'd worn nothing but tee shirts and sweatpants. Her husband
4? In my day, kids were made to keep their heads down and mouths shut. This empowerment has gone way, way too far. And don't get me started on women. Oh boy. I mean, what the
7Sister Maria gasped. "Fat Teddy! We don't use that kind of language at Our Mother of Heavenly Mercy's Camp for Plus-sized Children! Get in the hole you little bastard!" Fat Teddy
2Seurat was overcome with joy and excitement at finally formulating this concise unifying understanding of life. He understood it all so clearly! Now where was his pen?
5ction meetings down at the Moose Knuckle Lodge. Together with Rosie, Molly and I put the majora in labia majora. We wouldn't hide our protruding womanhood from juvenile eyes any
57-Eleven and was able to stock up on T.P., snacks and comic books. So long as the end of the world didn't take more that a week or so, I was all set.
3Well, not *that* Emily Post. Emily Post's great-granddaughter Emily Post IV was arrested by Las Vegas police on charges of public indecency, breach of etiquette, and lewd conduct.
8Yes, I read that too. Curiously, the last Folder to approach 10,000 points, one H.W.Longfellow, disappeared shortly after tallying 9,900 points. Thus the 10,000 point prize remains
2space continuum & specifically about how the word continuum had 2 U's. Like vacuum. Or congruum. Con-gru-um. 'Weird' thought Ike as his truck impacted Wilbur the Cat so forcefully
5. Everything about it. The corn, the heat, the children running around. Baseball and hot dogs and waterslides and thunderstorms. Just an absolute waste of a season. Why can't we ha
6the door and made a bee-line for the neighbor's front yard vegetable patch. Relieving myself, I caught wind of a cat. There it was! Under the white Ford pickup. I tried to act