Finished Folds (1221—1240)
6The target was in sight. The spectre's only remaining consideration was information. The target might know where The Singularity was stored. The spectre leapt out from the shadow
9"You know what's cool? Tin foil. Super thin metal that you can tear off a piece and just wrap it around something? That shit is badass bro." He looked at me, winked, & did a header
2was his calling. Through the years, he'd developed several variations on the traditional F-off. In addition to the standard F-you!, and the F-off and drive away, he had the Royal
3! I'm so... so... cold." "Seven times nine!" she screamed in his ear. "Seven times nine!" "I can't ... I mean, I d- d- don't know. Uh, fifty, er, uh, sixty two?" "WRONG!" She threw
2your neck, but if I did I'd probably get t***s all over my hands because you've clearly got s**t for brains. Derek's tricycle is a f*****g m*****e and if you can't see that then
5do we need Skittles *and* Chewy Spree anyway? They're the same thing right?" In response, several individually wrapped Starburst rained down on The Board. A cry of "Weee want candy
4What the Devil did then, was to divide the world's population into fifths and convinced each fifth that their name for God was a little different but supreme. In order to "win" the
5her asparagus touching her mashed potatoes. "Why don't you just serve me rat poison while you're at it!" she screamed at him. The funeral was closed casket. The waiter was absolved
3could I get over here? I called my friend Nick who was a party planner and told him to invite all the hot chicks he knew for a trouser party at Oldblock Manor. Trousers required.
3gy bear getup and got my pimp hand workin. Wasn't easy, but it was necessary. The heat from the Mossad agents died down, but I knew they'd never stop looking for me. My stable of
6. Certain people did certain things with certain animals behind certain curtains. Certainly you can understand why it'd be curtains for us all if we peeked behind certain curtains.
4and yelled "you two were going at it pretty good but then it stopped around 5am! Mr. McGillicuddy used to have the same problem until he bought these pills in Mexico! Here! Try one
8was what she'd named her boyfriend's member. He was in love with her but she had no qualms about deceiving him to gain intel on the English llama market. He worked in the Pentagon
5of poundcake, immune to all other callings save bundt cake, sponge cake, carrot cake, biscuit cake, cake biscuits, biscuits over cake with a biscuit reduction and densified cake
2guests this evening, sir? Well yes. Miss Petunia has accepted an offer for tea if you must know. Oh I see sir, and shall I serve the crumpets then? Well, are you sure the scurvy is
5Roll up a fatty. Twist it at the ends. You invite the homies. I'll invite the friends.
154 out of 6 numbers correct?! Madame Wong used the $1,784 windfall to start her own credit lending company. By the way, you're pre-approved for big quick cash!*
5I'm babbling, I know, forgive me. If only the roll snatching hadn't led me to the stash of Peruvian i wouldntve rebelled against the tyranny of modern
3a strong jolt to the polo tenancy auto correct before correlating many misfired grunge on fount avenue boulle shire crumbling disgruntled minions of cracker sorry platitudesReally
5Then the fingers started pointing. I thought it was aunt marge. Jim thought it was cousin bob. Jerry thought it was brother Jim. Bob thought it was sister susan. But really, deep