Finished Folds (1021—1040)
1Was the Saturday Night Special. Agnew was licking his chops at firing the special prosecutor. Nixon had a meanie martini with Agnew in the oval office, eating pepperoni pizza.
2That Little Bob, his son, could eat for free at The Big Boy Restaurant. The burgers were second to none. Big Bob ate ramen noodles. The barista got a good cash tip as well.
2Waiting for me to come down the chimney, you must be home with the ice king. Otherwise, I will go AWOL." The ice princess promised Santa could stay with her father to sleep.
1Was held open by Aldous Huxley himself, who was eyeless. His thick spectacles made up for that. "Eyeless in Gaza, " he said as he introduced Lady Gaza, dressed as a fillet mignon.
3The sixth and seventh eyes wept at the sight of the eighth eye hiding under the chair. I tried to film all eight eyes but the camera was too slow. The eyes moved too fast for thd
2Ariel waved his wand and produced the right words to fold this line, some three years later. Why did it take so bloody long? Only the Wizard of Pottowami Park Woods knew and he was
2Who wore green shirts to work. Ruth was the Queen's assistant and juggled her money books up and down stairs. One day she dropped one and was sent to the Psych Ward for a checkup.
6The customers didn't really notice until the blandness of His Royal Highness's cooking got really off the charts. They added their own salt and pepper, per Kibbles the chimp.
0Disguised themselves as Facebook users who idolised Shark Lady in order to gain access to Zuckerberg 's bank accounts and hijack them. In the Cayman Islands, Sir Wilbert Horsehead
2The park bench where she wrote the last line she folded in another folded story. She and Sean collaborated on a folded story about key lime pie. Why would that matter in 2816, you
3Mrs. N. was flabbergasted by her husband's behaviour. She signed for the package instead of him. The Fex Ex man was satisfied and whistled Dixie as he got back in the truck. The
1ar. Mr. Rabbit 's cousin ate three Mars bars a day, much to Dr. Dkhvbczfjly's chagrin. Venus knocked at the dooir with her own chocolates to seduce him. Mars was jealous and
2Unusual for a folding story from 2014, but its relevant at last. Global hot flashes followed the elections of 2016. Even monkey-dogs complained about them. This was real, folks!
4Pered pouch. This makes for a great folding story some three years later, now that Putin has agreed to a Nixonian detente with Trump. He sent love handles to his nemesis, Obama.
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.
3Kept his boxers on. And he wore slippers to avoid snake bites. Mr. Snake and family approached him and said, "Where is the key to your Volvo?" He had it in his suitcase, along
3The Fairy, as she called herself, said he could ask one question per visit. This particular night, Thor wanted to start a new folding story. "You can start one, about Fairy-dogs."
5They kept the nightlight on to keep the bones away, but they found the bones napping on their next day's school outfits, chosen by Mum. Mum spoke gently to the bones: "I prithee
4And should stop eating at Burger joints. You must learn to love oatmeal." Kevin replied, "You sound like my mum!" But the burger joints did a battle royale for Kevin 's loyalty.
1The modern reader demands this. You have to aim for the lowest common denominator. Or you sell no books. Pick your poison. Any wonder e-books are so successful. Nope. it is quite