Finished Folds (121—140)
4I had him committed on my say-so as a psychiatrist (courtesy of the impressive diploma I pulled out of a crackerjack box). Since he had a meltdown whenever they gave him crayons,
4"GINGER, I'M HO-OME!" She gasped; bad enough to be stuck on Gilligan's isle, but that this Neanderthal barges in instead of the Prof was too much. & that was BEFORE Dino charged at
4So Steve was put under, & my plastic surgeon did all he could. After several weeks straight on the table, Buscemi emerged unchanged, but the dr. had turned cross-eyed from staring
5Then the radio blared the Boss' "Glory Days" & pandemonium reigned in the O.R. as the surgical staff boogied away, lost patient forgotten on the table. Until dead Al himself rose
3Soon, Lindbergh was being dogged by a dainty little pink Messerschmidt flown by Goering, who tooted him & blew kisses. Alarmed, Charles speeded his craft & tried to hide his tutu,
8whips out a guitarron & strums a stirring ballad about some Mexican hero named Heisenberg. The setting is so pastoral Dylan & Stevie almost forget a drug cartel was after them. But
7Dr. Phil turned out to be most attentive, even asking after my absent husband, especially as to when he usually returns from work. Then he said most issues stem from being dressed.
3This thought elicited a tremendous "Yabba Dabba Doo!" out of Fred as he operated his bronto-crane so as to lift the stunned Mr. Slate hundreds of feet off the ground. "FLINSTONE! P
7circled the bridesmaid's dress offered at a 50% discount at Macy's fire sale. The onsite rent-a-cops knew there would be bloodshed- t'was kismet. A whistle blew. The carnage began.
3more often than not WAS the intrigue, & many a cuckolded nobleman could woefully testify to his lightfootedness... Nay, the dagger with rust on it was not the one betwixt his legs.
6w Air latrines, but what if you're in one just when the airline shuts down? Well, a Wow Air official locked the door on mile high club members Bill & Martha & insisted they can't l
8. "I KNEW IT!" bellowed Santa "You poor things..can't even afford undies!" As my mother put her skirt back on, Santa went to his sled for some BVD's. "But I want an xbox!" I wailed
10I frantically beeped down a patrol car & showed the officers the turd in my backseat:"I've no idea how it got could be dangerous! You guys have to remove it!" The cops
4Kim Jong-Un, & he was still the boss. So far, the plastic surgery had everyone fooled, & who understood Korean? Hoffa got a kick that no one realized JFK was also alive, disguised
5tally mad trying to work it out, rubbing my horns in vexation. What gave us away, damn it! Thick smoke billowed from my nose, & I absently flicked my pointy tail.We may never know.
8y the scruff of his neck did the truant officer drag Death to Mrs. Blake's 1st grade English class, sole adult among 25 gradeschoolers. "Who's home when *I* need to die?" he mused.
4awoke, it was my friends' corpses that lay nearby, and their faces were those of old people. Wait, did the heroin do that to them overnight? Or totally warp my mind? Back to sleep.
13Now Spacey was a tolerant feller, & wasn't fazed by truckloads of rednecks living nearby, but they imposed Prohibition, which meant bathing was forbidden. To keep clean, Spacey had
4with you!" snarled Ali. He was furious with her, and as it turned out, with good reason. Every time Ali tried to do one of his harem girls, the savory aroma of feta would distract
7affair, but Anna took heart that her anger management classes were working- the sight of blood spurting from Limpfinger's privates calmed her. Limpfinger, though, did not share her