Finished Folds (421—440)
4Then I locked myself in a closet and hid from the rest of the world for twenty years. When I finally came out of the closet, the only thing left on Earth was Trump Towers. I didn'
3e for the riches, and the fame, and a shitload of him, pride, and how the game is play__(sighing)...shit, who am I kidding...power, baby! That's all he cares about!
3Mayer had--still, with television adds showing brawny, bare-chested Russians working on the Porkwagon...well, lets just say women everywhere agreed with Traveling Meat Cars Weekly!
4a, the tongue of the Papua New Guinea Pygmy.” “Holy Masturbating Hyena, Batman. I really owe that mutt an apology.” “Better, yet,” Batman sneered, a bone and a purebred poodle!”
5the madding Crowd. Where is Julie Christie, anyway? I was so in love with her, even when she was in the dragon film with Sean Connery and Dennis Quaid...but what of the hemorrhoid?
8...yeah...okay...that would be me...Jimbeau...I don't know about these shirtless avatars, and I didn't even know you were ill...I look forward to your folds, Rebbie...they make me
4diabolical that it is recorded in history books are over Ittoqqortoormiit, and celebrated everywhere on the island as Po Boy Tango Bee Good to Ants Day. The day we won our freedom.
6Years passed; I took a Government job; married a Senator’s daughter; who birthed 18 kids. At the coroner’s funeral, when I gazed at him in the casket, all I could see was...crumbs.
5doesn't mean I have to hate, to hunt down and kill a pussy. I want to pet every pussy I see, to love them all, if a genie were to grant my wish, I wish to be a beautiful pussy cat!
7trying to tell us something via the roulette wheel. It spun, again, stopping at 44, and then one last time, stopping at 13. A woman gasped. 23=H, 57=E, 44=L, 13=P...HELP!
5All three of them. "But I don't want to fold stories!" the little rat bastard cried, "I want to scare the hell out of people, eat all of their expensive cheese, and leave dropping
7to not spray any out of my nostrils and onto my thigh-high pink cowgirl boots...something I've been known to do while drinking tea. I studied my now-smaller reconstructed hands and
4was just beginning; this year it was slower than ever. PSEU...DO...PSEUDO…DO…HY...PO... PAR...A...THY...ROID...IS...M. Nasty Ned sank into a coma and never regained consciousness.
3unsure exactly what kind of pie has hair in it. Look, I'm sorry but it's one thing to make pies out of dead humans...what? It's too much to ask for the pubic hair to be shaved
4face, gasped from the comprehension that HIS wife, Tina, the actress, comes home every night with sticky, jelly-like stuff all over her hair, and says, “I hate f__king love scenes!
5Don't mention it. Oh...but since you did mention it...well...I suppose I owe you a "You're welcome!" response...but don't I deserve to know why I deserved the "Thank you" from you
4when it was time to clean his files and change his Depends Real Fit for Men Extra Large. He flung the chicken-wire art out the window and it landed on Prudence Pinkfanny’s head.
3Cochran, down on his knees, taking the piss, a bit sod off-ish, feeling a bit up for it with the Judge, deep bowel sounds oozing from his arse, murmuring, “May it please the Court!
4all the wrong reasons. All the peaceful and not-so-peaceful protests of the 60s and 70s did little or nothing to improve race relations. Dick Gregory should take out the president
5but confusing...I mean...Korean?...Really? I'm sorry, but Drs. Moon and Sun, most definitely, spoke the most spoken language on the planet...Rhythm and Blues...the language of King