Finished Folds (41—60)
4knelt before me and pleaded for mercy, but I showed none. I waved my wand and turned him to salt, then had my servants sand him down to fill the table shakers.
2Matt returned to stalking the beautiful Collette, who had left him after 5.5 years of romance. She claimed ot need space, but there was no space between she and Devon, her consort.
2weren't saddled with her kids Ryan, Nikki,and Cassandra. That bitch Barbie didn't have baby fat to lose. That bitch had the dream house, the dream car, and the new boyfriend
1who loved children's card games. He was first sexually assaulted just after his cell mate said, "You know, in German, Old Maid is called Schwarzer Peter," as he unzipped his orange
3Now he was at Camp Tubby, with a drill sargeant counselor withholding food and making him "power walk." Elroy soon created a black market in Snickers bars, and was raking in $5000
3It all started with a Fox News report that his sausages curved to the left, which made them communist AND Islamic extremist. Soon, his answering machine was packed with threats.
2in the fur coat told me that would by a thirty minute "around the world." I never liked that fella.
3"But...but...I was told Mr. Clean hangs out here,"she replied. "Yeah, that's him over there. He showed up here when he lost his abrasiveness. Never been the same since."
1Johnny replied, "Oh it's just like with her Mom, Naomi. All the Judds get their freak on in the same way." "Ah," replied the cabbie, "I've always thought the Mom was cuter."
4The reverb that screeched from the speakers indicated to him that the mic was indeed on. Alright then, without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ms. Barbra Streisand! The roar
4thought the anarchist, and then shook the bourgeois notion out of his radical brain. He leaned over to his girlfriend, who was at that moment performing a nude-in at
1see red. The window had said 50% off! But where were the sale items? He had his heart set on finding a deep discounted bustier and stocking suspenders. But nothing was on sale!
2expose "her" for the deb drag queen that she was. Donna yanked Dairy's hair and tiara off her head, tore the scarf that hid her adam's apple, and took away her giant martini glass.
4escape the sadistic head master. Across the Moor he ran, until he found Beatrix Potter's cottage. Unfortunately, an hour in her sacharine living room was worse than the canings!
1in a hushed voice..."I can be your Roseanne..." Tom thought for a moment. He certainly needed to hitch his star onto another actress who would use neptism to get him employment.
3a safe place to leave his pet beetle Beauregard. It wasn't just the Blag Flag flying, or the threat of a Raid. It was also the Combat troops and the
1The machines knocked out Myley and Zak, and harvested egg and sperm cells for their evil experiments. They were set on exterminating mankind with happy insipidness!
6"Or maybe it's time for me to 'Bake someone happy!'" thought Rebecca, so she took down the cinnamon roll mix and whipped up a batch. Unfortunately, her son experienced such a sugar
4and was completely machine washable. When the stuffing inside her skin would get matted down, he'd just open her mouth and pack in more cotton wool. All was fine until.
3was easy to come by. Christopher Robin was such a putz. Eyeore had used his detachable tail to fish a $20 out of his short pants. The crack smoke lifted his spirits, but only for