Finished Folds (141—160)
5Just then there was an explosion in the backyard that blasted the locked gate off its hinges. The prisoners flooded out onto the street.
2they would expel her. She cast the spell: "AQUA-EXPLOSIO-CADABRA!" & the water in the fountain exploded dousing everyone for miles. "MADEIRA!" Cried the headmistress.
13in 9 months which, incidentally, was the time it took for his baby to arrive. "I shall name you Peter" He said, patting the baby on the head who resultantly burst into tears.
1erotic poetry but threw that away too, in fear that my mother would discover it. I finally settled on writing a short story. It was going to be a masterpiece. I named it 'Adventure
1that some archaeologist found scrawled in excrement on the walls of an ancient tomb. Legend had it this remedy would cure any ailment. My minions returned with the ingredients:
2So the doctor told him. Deciding Hamsters were as good as children he visited the pet shop on the way home and bought a couple. Unfortunately
3gurgles in my stomach. They portended hunger no doubt just like the ache in my muscles portended the laziness that prevented me from going shopping. And so I ate my cat.
4were crates of frightened pineapples, crying themselves to sleep. "Won't someone end this madness?" One asked, and one did but that's a tale for another time.
7.." "That's a scary story mum! Tell me another one." "Ok there were 3 billy goats gruff.." Not that one either! Tell me the one about the Penguins!" "Ok, well, once upon a time
3migrated south where it now resided on the tip of her nose. She grabbed a handful of rodents and plugged them into her new lie detector. She rigged up the translation machine and
6She wailed at him in Thai for 30 minutes straight, & he was unable to get a word in edgeways. Maybe her authentic dialogue wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Finally he mustered
3Until a sudden thump inside her chest betrayed her. The excitement had been too much and now she was just one more corpse in the theme park of death.
1"You cannot be serious!" Cried John McEnroe from the back seat. "Hop in, son." I said "Freemont Hotel's a long way, hold on tight!". I engaged drive level 9 and the thrusters
1was the new machine being delivered on Saturday. But before that arrived she was hopelessly lost. Her dirty washing had now piled up to the ceiling and had began spilling out onto
3The effect was interesting but incomprehensible nonetheless. I moved on and found a tree who's veins had been connected to a stereo player. The resulting sound was like
2a Nimbus 2015. That way, when the prison guards let us our for 'exercise' I could fly away. As I lay in my cell that night
5would stop at nothing to get it. "OM NOM NOM!" He cried as he gnobbled up the innocent. Soon he had eaten all the people & had to look else where to sate his hunger. His eyes settl
4over petty disputes such as who captained the legendary Space Ship 'Galactivine' into cloud 9. None the less I settled into life on SpaceDock 1 and soon discovered
4angry face of his captor. "I am freee to talk!" He cried gaily, before choking on the bit stuck in his esophagus and dying. His captors, who had hoped to keep him alive,