Finished Folds (21—40)
0No effect. He ran to the window and pointed to the crowd. With pride he yelled these final words. "Recycling is a scam. You want my recycling? You pay for it, otherwise f--- off.
5But then we realized, we don't need an escape plan, we have body armor and we have guns! We gently filled our pursuers with bullets and they became so cute and pacified that tears
1-forces, delivered by the 800 HP engine, caused a sharp increase in endorphins, which in turn made Martha laugh hysterically. She missed her exit and crashed into a saguaro cactus.
1He suddenly realized he was a chicken without a head, he could see his body running around in circles, then he had a flashback of the era of guillotines. He was fried and eaten.
3how much he enjoyed it. He inhaled the rancid perfume until joy gave him a nose bleed. "I'm so thankful" he thought. Simoleon's empty colon was pulsating. He lept out of bed,
3My thoughts lingered eternally inside the folds linking the tiniest scales of time, I realized gravity was its subject, and I was reinvented.
2If I was picked up by plump fingers and shoved inside a gluttonous mouth it would be the end for me. Transformed into something new, digested, liberated, the freedom of chew.
2lover of democracy, (scratch that), that he, Plato loved aristocracy in disguise. There is no democracy without solidarity, and the existence of the word "unprivileged" proves it.
3Well one thing's for sure, babies are not normally thought of as being sensual, so his "wonder" was replaced by relief when he realized the baby was in a fact a full grown woman.
1Then the naked guy realized he could remove this fart story from appearing on the almost finished page by writing "Then the naked guy realized he could remove this fart story from
4Unbreathable atmosphere, check. Comestible magic dust, check. Sadly,the dust crusted his nose which made his breathing even more difficult. He squealed like an asthmatic.
5monsters because there were no stop signs left. But it could've been worse. Had Devo brandished a yield sign, the octopussies would be whipping him in slow motion.
1"You mean his dead dismembered body is scattered around in outer space?" Howard cried out. "Of course he's dead. Stop being so dramatic." Bob replied, using the balloon's static
5it's all an illusion. I am not the who back-flipped, it is you and the rest of the world who back-flipped around me!" She replied "You are a kaleidoscope". His feelings hurt.
5But not all was lost. My pelvic girdle was still intact, a body part many people take for granted. Without it our organs would flop around unsupported. Strong hillbillies make
2Maybe time has stopped. Maybe I'm outside the radiation belt. Maybe there is no such thing as evolution. Maybe evolution is like a game of dominos and I'm the last piece in the
3Bob revealed his torso. He was wearing a t-shirt printed with the image of a hand grenade. "What's wrong Bob?" his manager snickered, "Couldn't get it up last night?" The boardroom
4made sure I would rot in my cubicule for as long as possible. I needed change. Change I could believe in! So I wrote a program that changed the word 'true' to 'false'. I felt bett
5I stepped closer and studied its beak. I saw two holes above it, but no nose. Maybe they were drain holes? I thought. The parrot mooed. A voice sounded. "FEED IT CEREAL" it said
2he lost count of how many jelly beans he had eaten. I wanted to ask "Were they cinnamon?", but he hung up the smellaphone. Soon after, Sheet my gummybear arrived, and I ate his ar