Finished Folds (41—60)
7The renowned rock expert's craggy brow furrowed like the folds of a great mountain range.Looking at the worn cliff behind him,the spitting image of his countenance,I had my answer.
5He armed the cannon & fired a pulse of dark matter towards the center of the sun. "In a few minutes your host star will begin collapsing. I'll be on my way." Barnes turned his ship
3The answer was obvious, crawled back down from the rarified peaks of Heaven, towards the sulfury depths of Hell and warmed my bones in the first scalding hotspring among the damned
2As I road with Trevor in the ambulance I solemnly vowed to develop some pants with padding around the family jewels to absorb the recoil of major armaments. Would I be able sire a
3When I scrolled down and saw "How to turn shadows on a beige wall into a time traveling portal" I blinked. Then I clicked on the link and followed the instructions. My beige wall
2But when the lead actor looked up, he saw that a censor bar covered the word "dead" in his thought bubble.I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that the drama queen couldn't read his
4But then he saw who'd made the request for the cake, his childhood sweetheart, Anna Tulowski! That's when he vowed to make this Wedding cake one that would change the bride's mind.
2Had Rex gotten on the subway? Or did he take one of the tunnels with a maintenance channel on foot? The labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city would be hard tracking. But I had to f
3of people is that even remember you existed at all. So "our hero" is getting drunk to "celebrate" his birthday, & begins to doubt he exists. If a fellow celebrates alone on noone
3recorded it all gathering evidence which would be used against her at final judgement, but when she died & was summoned to the heavenly court, & Satan was named her public defender
2It was like Simon says, only the Simon was a Dick. Dick said "Dick sees Jane. Will she play?" But Jane was having none of that. This Dick & Jane Literature was way beneath her.
0عن طريق البحر حيث عاش. اللآلئ فقط لن تتسلل كان يعطيه المشورة بشأن الاستثمارات لرسوم التعليم الجامعي. لكن ابنه أراد فقط أن يصطاد السمك الحديث.
2تم الكشف عن ثمار أعماله بعمق داخل مجمع الهرم ، وكشف عن التابوت الذهبي للفرعون. عندما كسر جاسم ختم التابوت
5movements but when Fords belly contracted and head bulged out, the marine detective realized he'd been deceived by Ford Fairlaine's reflection in his Ford Fairlaine's hubcaps!
10Pretty good for a Monday morning, all due to my talisman, the Platinum Paperclip of Good Fortune! Today I planned to ask for a raise, but when I reached in my pocket to check
3Unfazed, Gleep smuggled a duplicitous waitress onto the spaceship. In hyperspace the warp filament fell off the Hurwityz manifold, but they stuck it back on with gum. Invasion on!
4"What's my point?" you may ask, "a dagger between my eyes or a need for closure?" but I won't delay for my point is what I lived by & here it is, right at the end of this sentence.
3Because she'd been dazed by the enchantment of leprechauns.Sure she wore glittery green pantsuits,but Melissa's rainbow was a high powered flood light and the pot of gold contained
5Should we care that we have to repeat the same tired old tropes? Getting up after an anvil smashed our heads & tweety birds circle our nogin' as if it was nothing? What are we,chop
2in my life was follow orders. I flopped about spaghetti-like, luxuriating in my newfound found freedom to be spineless, and let the story peter out like a limp...