Finished Folds (81—100)
4My supervisor. Either way they awaited being rectally rammed by a shotgun. I keep such people and use their innards as confetti at decent peoples weddings. Never wear white.
5Their kind. Evils grin had a bubbling quality to it. So many species in the same place, at the same time. Not being bound by th laws of physics, evil rematerialised above the crowd
4Sabotage my soufflé???" But Jane didn't answer. Jane was busy sizzling gently in her own juices with an apple sticking out of her mouth. Chef Longpig caught his eye, and smiled.
5The elves were being eaten by the ships crew. The remaining elves decided to form the Elvish Liberation Front (E.L.F) and vowed to slaughter the carnivorous crew, one by one.
6Every future breath she took. Seminal fluid on the mattresses began to fuse with the royal Crust and grow a hideously posh, deformed mattress creature. Philip tried to date it.
2Giving third degree burns to whoever stood behind me. I decided to fill a hollow pellet with malic acid, ghost chilli's, diet coke and mentos and catapult my revenge.
2A mess resembling a Jackson Pollock. I stood back, amazed at my own invention. Later I won second prize in a local art competition and was rejected outright by the Readers Digest
6Like space and time and the lifestream doesn't mean a damn thing! Nihilistic Neddy was in a bit of a mood. So he constructed a chicken wrestling ring and charged a tenner entry.
2It by the tail and screamed "Onward, my minion of the sea!" The blue whale, however, had a secret. It was actually a UFO in disguise, and it shot up high into the sky.
3All that fur was a beautiful princess named Darth Myrrh. "I'm also FANTASTICALLY single" she purred, the blade hidden in an unmentionable orifice. Excited, bathmat quivering,
7Sadly, the matron was a patron saint of murder. Not being born yesterday ('though p'haps the day before) she knew she could save on her food bills by eating the spoilt brat.
4Formed a dandelion chain of chemical regret. The lawn chair rocked back in apparent delight. It'd seen that film with the Depp. It'd seen evil dead 2. How the art shows walls laugh
8Jesus held up the leash of Cerberus. "Well, you ready or not?" Jesus knew to make it work instead of moaning about it. Unbeknownst to our unknown protagonist, Jesus had a thing for
4I know I'm still relatively new, but this has gotten pretty terrible lately. Bring back Joe cartoon?
1You ever consider leaving the spy game and settling down with me? He quickly shot her, saw off her head and breasts and kept them for later. "Settling down, indeed." He chuckled.
3The ghost of Bin Laden would tickle his privates with his beard once more. Fed up with the shittiness of the universe, he decided to become a ticket warden. Nobody was surprised.
4Pickled herring created as a transportation/lover/meal hybrid by his uncle Collusus Dickenstein. The pickle didn't care, she'd made her home anywhere. Bob the rock was an arse
8Pretty enough for the Cartel Bitch of the Year award, a prize that would offer a little sensitivity during his weekly punishment. Luckily they didn't abuse him, just shot him dead.
6Playing a jolly tune, hypnotising the townsfolk and getting them to dance. This was, however, too close to speaking in tongues, so snakeskin boots sold well at the next church sale
3So he didn't. Later he changed his name to Fucker Mouse and pranked and killed people around the city. He would knock on people's doors and run away, but leave vortexes at the door