Finished Folds (161—180)
4to the exact time and place where I lost my virginity. As the crowds hooted and hollered I relived the less than magical moment, including the one drunk reveler puking on my back.
7Everything I'm about to tell you is a joke. You see that dog out the window? That's a trained Yakuza attack dog. I have to kill it before it kills you.
2As they rolled into position he let loose with all the rage he could muster. His weapons were no match for the tasers of campus security though, and down he went, pissing himself.
6The moral of the story is this: Sexual activity is not to be confused with collecting Pokemon, no matter how tempting the mental association may be.
5not be enough and prescribed very powerful amphetamines. The pills kept her awake and then some, soon she was running around like a madwoman, accomplishing more than she ever
7With properly diligent consumption, I was unable to leave my bed within just a few months. It was beautiful, I had enough fat on my body to hide full grown cats in my folds.
5was hauled away suddenly by police. Turns out McDonalds doesn't have janitors, but all the employees where to grateful for the help and just let the deluded old man do his thing.
1attractive, especially the polyps in her nose. The looked so juicy and inviting, really the most succulent polyps in all of Polyp City, which is why she'd been elected Queen Of The
5simultaneously for hours on end. I could only keep up 3 hour shifts at a time, feverishly flossing and brushing at other times, and campaigning to eradicate sugar wherever it
1by the DEA. They weren't tokers at all, they were feds, going through an elaborate sting operation to catch casual users. I felt the handcuffs go on as the led me outside to the
2specially treated fecal dropping of a unique species of rabbit that Kellogg's had a patent on. This rabbit's droppings, when treated in the flavoring machines, had a delicious
4Reagan. His punches packed quite a wallop for his age and the communist on the receiving end couldn't stop himself from crying like a little girl. As his face poured out more blood
5and yanked them out, coming back over and over. She tried to fight them off, but they were too numerous, and soon her precious royal nose hair was all gone and the nests were done.
1paid a bald guy boatloads of money to ask me a bunch of questions. Turns out that I was quite the crapper when I was a child and my parents were pretty invasive in their attempts
2got pissed as, being Amish horses, they were used to a more laid back pace. The traffic around the carriage seemed to stretch out endlessly behind them and the drivers got angrier
2no real options. I whipped out the secret weapon I'd had since the beginning, the deus ex machina, and vaporized all the enemies with a single shot. I had survived another day.
5heartily, and it seemed as though a lung would come out, but a few quick pounds to the chest cleared it right up. The newborn then began speaking gibberish with a raspy smokers
4or all morals have an ending. Considering the style is related to Thunder Cats, I think we can all remember the immoral pits of hedonism the Thunder Cats reached, we can say the
2After spending all afternoon hatching a plot, they later slept on it, and the next day collectively decided to tell everyone that their teacher was insane. The teachers union
5no matter what she had to do to get there. So during the day she was a mild mannered maid, but at night, to pursue fame and money, HELGA was a vigilante crime fighter, using her