Finished Folds (21—40)
6Walking through the woods at night had his nerves frayed to their limit already, but Frieda nearly fainted when the mutated crocodile jumped out of the polluted river water and
2The pink- and blue-polka-dotted house floated upward, the force of the twister having uprooted it. Careening through the sky on a collision course, Ted knew his only hope to avoid
3reflected back on it, trying to find the silver lining. Unfortunately this time there was none, and they never went on a date again, and she started seeing five men at once. What a
1He tried to reply, but all that was audible through the gag was "Mmphl." Doktor Evilschtein ceased his monologue and shot Justin Bieber in the head. He was dead forever. The end.
4said, "Give me an amount of money periodically and into perpetuity that equals my 25% loss, or I will punish your family." Cheney had no choice but to agree, and the man left
1anything phallic, my left arm immediately shoots straight forward with a balled-up fist. I didn't find this out, however, until I was at the grocer and passed by the fruits & veg.
1The London crowd whooped and cheered as the tea-gladiators tried to gain an advantage, but the match turned out to be quite even. The tea ran out, and folks started heading home.
4, he thought. So he hardened his resolve and bent to the task at hand. "Fbbbthbbbuuhhhpp!" went the noise as the horse-drawn conveyance reached 1.5 mph. Passersby scowled at him.
1The press of female bodies kept him from making any headway, and the girlish shrieks drowned out his thoughts, preventing him from formulating an escape plan. It seemed hopeless.
4Chocolate & Flesh, as it turned out; a mixture of vat-grown human meat and chocolate ice cream whipped into an ice-cold frothy beverage. Mmmm, delicious! This solved their problem,
1it stood for Canadian Broadcasters' Annual Assembly, so they were quite confused when 3 neck-bearded hobos stumbled in holding brown paper bags and smelling of whiskey.
2and he began, "The first thing..." but it was very difficult to understand him because he shot someone each time he said a word. He had a lot of bullets. And that's terrible.
6mother? But before I could formulate a plan, Jesus dismounted and strode toward us. "'Sup?" he asked. Father was even more confused, seeing firsthand both a Genie and now Jesus.
2overcompensated to the right! "Ecanus, oh my God, what are you doing?!" I screamed at my guardian angel, to which he replied "Don't take the Lord's name in vain." The plane, doomed
1it into the tile, killing it (metaphorically) by letting loose a big wet fart. "Very attractive," she snarled, but he could only grin. "What?" he asked, half chuckling already,
2Yes, by contrast it was quite the opposite. She loved her new Simple Silver™ jewelry, and wore it every day to commemorate our third wedding anniversary. She wasn't a fan of fancy
5It was time to bounce so I paid the barkeep, stepped outside and climbed the ladder mounted on Big Bessie's door. Bessie is my monster truck you see, 32 foot lift and 100-ft tires
4I made him dance around like a marionette and run into things, helpless against the engineered chemical onslaught I had unleashed on his brain. He resisted, feebly at first, but
1claws scratching slate, as the famous "Chalkboard Weasels" tuned their instruments in preparation for the big show. They were literally weasels though and their handler was drunk.
3I had plenty of time to contemplate my failure. Trapped as I was below 15 tons of concrete in the most hostile region on Earth, by people who thought I was a spy for a rival tribe,