Finished Folds (61—80)
3how much of a nightmare it is getting those things to cooperate? Worst. Pets. Ever. It's no wonder that the demons don't walk them themselves.
2But it turned out the face he beat up was only a very realistic mask she wore, which even contained fake blood. She removed the mask, to reveal that she was actually
3The porcupineman saw a future where he was in a laboratory, and had cranial implants which continuously stimulated the pleasure centers of his brain. Eh, it would do.
3bubbling sulfurous vapors from deep below. The air was already rank , but once the bubbles rose from the subterranean tar pit where I was trapped, it would become intolerable.
5There were lots of people watching her indeed, but only because they worked for the library, and she had broken the record for overdue books. But she didn't know this, and thought
3Though it pained him to do so, he would have to shop at the Walmart instead. The Hulk parked the stolen truck in the massive parking lot, got out, and walked purposefully towards
2I am VERY mad at you! What we're you thinking when you
2if you deny me, as I will use the powers bestowed upon my stubbed toe in order to banish you from this kingdom permanently. So, beast, you must give me my feast.
4to something that the human brain subconsciously filters out, but also experiences feelings of desire in the process. The psychology hack worked, and soon, everyone was addicted.
4They were actually timid birds who put on angry masks to look tough, but once their cover was blown, they panicked and ran from the nuclear waste they were supposed to clean.
3chirping filled the hall. Kennith the lawyer fell into a panic, and began to run, not knowing the source of the strange chirping, which seemed to come from all directions.
1But their son utterly loved silly string, and even if his parents banned it, he always had ways to acquire it. He had a number of contacts on the playground who sold it for
3Delux Ultra Burger World Planet 2. Business was great at first, but little Carl flew into a rage whenever people tried to abbreviate the name. Jim the chimneysweep, meanwhile
4There are in fact only seven planets. Uranus is a grand hoax created by NASA officials with sophomoric senses of humor. This had repercussions for astronauts who attempted to
3decided enough was enough, and started a resistance movement. Bullroar island would soon be free once again. My daughter and I, along with the rest of the rebels, planned an attack
3So ALF decided to run away. He pretended to accept Willie's apology, then snuck out in the dead of night. He was never going back.
5The dog chow was utterly delicious, and they gorged themself on it until they were stuffed. They fell into a deep sleep shortly after. It was then that the lizard made its move.
4due to the concussion brought on by that panda's grotesque weapon. I awoke, tied up in a dimly-lit room, with the mutated panda glaring at me.
3until the harvest pulled itself from the ground and began walking around, attacking anything that crossed its path. That's why you don't fertilize plants with magic dust.
3Jeff Timothy the archaeologist dusted off the ancient stone tablet, then dropped the brush in shock. It read, in plain English, "Hello Jeff Timothy, from the year 2016.