Finished Folds (421—440)
4"Sure," I agreed. How long could it take for me to do my friend's tax returns, after all? But that was before I realized my friend was a billionaire. It was all I could do to not
3. The pimply-faced teenager behind the counter stared at me through thick lenses. "Are you 12 or under?" he asked sarcastically. "Star Wars kids meals are for only for, uh, kids."
8would take. Go ahead, laugh. We didn't care. Life on Jupiter would be way better. A month & 3 cases of Jack Daniels later, John & I climbed into our dumpster spaceship, ready for
2. I kept my eyes shut 'cos I didn't want to confront her. What did she mean by "forever?" I could hear her shuffling around, opening drawers, muttering. Then a click beside my ear.
6delicious, though. That much I can tell you, as I just finished my 4th one. Neeson stretched over to place his right foot on a yellow spot. "Blimey but your arse is in my face!"
7t a sheepish nod is the coward's way out of an apology, unless, of course, you actually are a sheep, and an amenable one at that. But I digress. The point is that he was guilty.
2I smell Jack & I need a good lay!" Oh dear. She really didn't want to witness this. Jack stumbled sleepily out from under the giant's bed. His spray tan was all streaked. "Psssst!"
6terial meningitis & had to go home, leaving Tyra to fend for herself. Then Tyra began feeling sick too! She looked down at the half-eaten chocolate truffle in her hand. It dawned
2red last year's model seemed to have been corrected. The Cafe-bot suddenly raised its steel grey eyes to Johann's. A flicker of utter contempt was not lost on Johann. The Cafe-bot
4cabinet & swallowed 3 Midols, even though I was a guy. Maybe I'd be happier if I could get in touch with my feminie side. I found a tampon and contemplated how it might feel if I
5my mom called me in for dinner. Our game of Destiny would have to keep until tomorrow. I waved my chubby hand good-bye to the other neighborhood misfits & ran into my house.
5being a clown in the funhouse! At least now I didn't have to hide my love for dissecting human bodies! There were other benefits of being the asst. mortician. I could rub my hands
7But you know what they say...what goes up must come down, eventually anyway. Both Tony & his wife "deflated" after a while. It was OK though. They both also lost their vision.
7The regulars at the diner left her huge tips because she smelled so good. Then when she started tying a scarf over her head, she looked just like her Aunt Jemima. Ooowheee! Hungry
5But he wanted his cake & wanted to eat it too. He wanted Sara Lee. She was cheesecake, creamy & delicious. Her partially-hydrogenated filling clung to his yeasty mustache. He
9Plat, cap, plat, cap. See? No one else, it seems, appreciates FSers, except for ourselves. That's OK, though. We don't need no stinkin' audience. We just need each other to bolster
7like Uncle Luther wasn't an obnoxious gaseous old coot, bent on kissing cousin Sally right on the lips and telling dirty jokes around the kids. But it was Xmas, so we had to put up
2a bone impaled through her nostrils. I'd been tricked! None of these people were who they said they were. She pulled the bone from her nose & jabbed me in the eye with it. I spit
4But wait another minute. Jesus turned water into wine, so drinking is not sinful according to the Bible. Neither is dancing, for that matter. It is party time with Jesus! I got up
2cookie yesterday at lunch was what started this whole thing,so if you don't want to transform into a Keebler elf, you'd better check your pantry shelves. However if becoming an elf