Finished Folds (41—60)
5"You scratch my back, I'll eat yours." All he could hope for was to get selected as a Best of Craigslist so his message of shared mastication would spread, like butter on toast.
1soon or he was going to be forced to take drastic measures. He saw a horror movie once where a man extracted a set of molars from a kidnapping victim. He couldn't get the screaming
5as a child, his parents locked him in his squalid bedroom with "The Sound of Music" on a continuous loop. When asked how old he was he trilled: "I am sixteen, going on
5news vans had been parked outside, doing one interview after another with the religious crazies getting their hair coiffed. It was quite a fuss for such a town. The male stylists
3a handmade skirt, fashioned from those plastic mesh wrappers that keep Clementines together in the grocer's aisle. I was trying to produce a top notch pickup line when the phone
3tee shirt contest by the vending machines. I told a third grader that there was a pool on the roof and laughed quietly as he raced up the stairs towards his impending
4Four Loko and poured it onto the cracked asphalt below the porch. For all of those who have gone before us, and all who are to come.
2my condition was Jim Beam and Ambien. My doctor called it "stupid," I called it Jimbien. He couldn't help me now, there was only one option. As I drifted to sleep, I wept for her.
3: by rising to attention like a good old fashioned barn raising. He was a shower not a grower though so it actually came as a disappointment when he was finished. "Is this it?"
4of herpes simplex would wake these good-for-nothings from their slumber of indifference and intellectual neglect. Nothing like the "gift that keeps on giving," to help with class
3shampooing with a lethal melange of Rogaine and Head & Shoulders. It burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but I am the masochistic type who enjoys pain with my
4palm fronds and fine white sand. It was a spiritual moment, one that defined my religious beliefs much later in life. I can't say if it was the rum punch or the cocaine that made
3My father always said: "There are no ugly women at closing time." I had never understood his sentiment until tonight, I mean, I'm a woman! Anyway, there was no way I was going home
5he was going to use one of those kits from Kmart with the funny designs and the mini saws. Perhaps a striking "BOO" or a fiery witch on a broomstick. Whatever he decided, it would
4disintegration. He had been competing in the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling Race for as long as he could remember and that kind of impact took it's toll. He longed for a cold beer, a
4before being smacked sideways by the butt of a Colt 45. "Shut up Calvin!" This wasn't the holiday party he had expected based on the Evite. Nobody had mentioned the parlor games or
6caught in the crossfire. When someone brought a rocket launcher to a church service, that was when it became clear they weren't messing around. Harlan County brought out the worst
6shoveling their driveways. It wasn't much but it came with the benefit of having keys to every house on the block. I know it's creepy, but sometimes I went into their bedrooms and
3only take an hour before the "sand people" surrounded the camp and finished the job they had started. There's something about a ticking clock that makes people confess their
4a three-legged German Shepherd named Alice. I was beginning to think that pledge week was taking a year off my life for every day spent in that god forsaken house. Only three more