They come in like a thief and like a thief you will crucify them. When will it be your turn to be crucified? I'm just asking for a friend. Or was he a fiend. Can't he be both. She?
A religion that like the majority of churches in Amerika thought of themselves as being Christian. Almost all were not, including this one. It was a made up one. False teachings to
I really sunk into a listening of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights just now. Whoa! Like that time I finally understood what I understood the whole time about Seger's Night Moves.
It might have been Lord Rama. I get them mixed up all the time. Not really.
It was a figure that I had never in my life seen before. I was told, rudely I might add, that it was called a cross. This one was a cross of St. Andrew, whoever he was. I guess he
I guess I forgot pointing this out before but Walking in London is about me and her as well.
They took that as an offer and agreed. "It is agreed then. Good night gentlemen. We will begin boarding when the Bright One climbs the sky. Shall we say when he clears the horizon?
The Flys were telling me that they had me where they wanted me. I appreciated being wanted over but they weren't my types. I let them know that I wanted less than zedd to help them
One of the nurses had brought it up twice. But after both of the people that she told were murdered, she decided to keep it to herself. The murders weren't related to anything she
"So you're telling me that all our data is for naught. The subject has been underdosed the whole time. Since before the culling. How could this go on so long? Almost 2 years gone."
This one time we were blazing contrails around the asteroid belts with a new flock of non-coms and some work for passage types. It wasn't nothing hush hush now but it was our asses
When I hear the song Wicked Game, I think of her. I thought it was because it came out during the time I was with her. I just heard it. It was about me & her & I think she knew it.
dead already & not know. See what I mean. That was his last thought before the fucking scorpions did what they do. They stung him & went back to fucking. The desert claims another
The deal with the studio gave her exclusive control on how she was going out. She beat the clock by 31 minutes. So the claim was valid, legal, & sizable. The Death Board paid out.
She knew I wanted a house. She also knew that I dreamed of living alone in my own house. The everloving bitch got the timing so right, it brings me to tears to think about it. I do
"I want to share everything with you except my misery." She kissed her and then jumped off the railing. They had just signed on their first house. "She isn't sharing on her half of
It should've been an easy choice, Somehow it wasn't. Ice cream or OJ. Not that OJ from that story I just remembered I never got around to posting. Usually, OJ would be the one. Not
Poang that nobody but me remembers. You're not really a Sam Cooke fan if you don't remember his hit song Poang. How it was erased from the collective consciousness & from history.
364 times this year. That one day when we went swimming at that Muslim inn in Morocco. Some how an old man knew & told the innkeeper. "If she is on her moon, she may not enter the
It all started with that ear lobe she found at the bus stop. She knew right away what it was and swore never to let it go. She was maybe 13 at the time. She wore tampons every day.