911, hoping that some nice emergency operator would pick up the phone and assure me that I was just having some sort of episode. My own voice answered the call:
Finally, he slammed open the door and scrambled toward the toilet. He shouldn't have eaten so much dairy. He shouldn't have been there making such a fool of himself.
Her cursor hovered over the flashing advertisement: WIN BIG NOW! It was stupid. She'd already given so much of her life away to online gambling. But maybe she'd get lucky today...
Newscasters droned on about the mysterious horse that had washed up on the Golden Coast. Memes were showing up all over TikTok. The eco-war had begun and no one was any wiser.
Sometimes he missed his old life, the people he had left behind. He wondered sometimes if his daughter remembered him. She had been only 3 years old when he left.
His lungs wheezed. Every day since the collapse, he had feared this moment: the day where his luck would run out. It was a miracle that he'd survived this long without an inhaler.
The Daisy program was getting funnier by the second. Soon, he would have the market cornered on artificial intelligence live comedy. It was cutting edge stuff.
Amber grabbed his thingie with her hand and shoved it you know where. they both screamed. it was so big and girth. she manned. it was size of cloro wipes botggñw
The Devil was deeply distraught, blurting that he was seeking pyromania rehab. Alarmed, I tried to shake him off but he insisted on following me home, where I hastily hid the match
and then, suddenly and without warning, they burst forth from within me like that scene in Alien. My goo went everywhere and I gasped as the king and emperor crawled out
Shoe Angel, or a Shangel as the Old Masters had called them. Finally, I had completed my training, and now I could fly using my shoes which were
For example, Syteca would begin prioritizing the share holders over employees. Employees who disagreed with this would be terminated… permanently.
as she crossed her arms and glared at them. She had long, dark bangs hanging over her eyes and her eyes were red with streaks of purple in them. She wore a black and red corset
hrysalis, like that of an unborn butterfly with wings not yet formed. These are the rules of our cult, the Dawn of the Mystic Butterfly.
Wolf Man emerged from his hiding hole in the Haunted Wood Forest, a howl escaping his lips as he glanced up at the full face of the moon.
So one day slugboy went to the shell store packing heat. He walked into the shop and glanced around at the snail shoppers, admiring their sleek and shiny snail shells.
From the moment I could walk I was never content with my surroundings, always trying to find somewhere nicer. After 30 years I'm back where I started... maybe this was the right
the low quality of the wine provided, while Swedish Me was absolutely slamming the bottle. Not very professional, but neither was Regular Me. I couldn't help but notice Korean Me
In an abandoned junkyard lived a bunch of little trolls obsessed with stuff from the 90s. Like Tamagotchis, VHS tapes and Dolly the Sheep.