Dumped me again at the ornate feet of a cast iron tub somewhere in the middle of the western frontier during Reconstruction or in Utah, trying to get to another time. One not in Ut
A Pseudo Cannibal. I ate me own kind ironically. I had unknown fetishes for the ornate feet of cast iron tubs of the western frontier during Reconstruction including the Utah.
"Rasputin is who my father does not approve of. To him you are only a Cossack who's name is known to a certain Infernal Being who is pulling the wrong strings at The Court. Alexei
Role model for a 4 year old Cleopatra Ptolemy. "Ask not what The Gods of Egypt have done for you, ask what can you do for The Gods of Egypt." Or, "We do this not because it is easy
Intentions after his first view up her skirt and seeing she was loaded for war fell madly in love with her. But she never stepped on the trap door again. Until today. Seeing The
About something that has him glancing around frequently and conspicuously that only the blind witness before us was able to see it. The dog dug up a hand in the petunia patch.
And onto a speeding freight train whose next stop was Infernal Falls and was overloaded with Holy Water blessed by two Popes and one duly anointed Bad Ass of the Frontier Fleet by
out the full text of The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago to the beat of a different drummer since their last tour. I was a lot like you until assimilation. Now all my vocalization
G walked into my black and white color scheme like a snout on the Archon's Gout.
The Gold Bond powder only made it worse. She threw it out the window and some unlucky pedestrians were doused. Their black jackets were ruined! "Son of a bitch!', I said to my wife
The Sea of Green Water, like the Chicago River on St. Patricks Day. That would be really cool! The rivers are sewers nowadays. Maybe I could buy green food colour for the bathtub?
kicked me off the train promptly. So, there I was, traveling alone along the barren train tracks of Poland. Suddenly, like God himself, a ray of light shined on me!
But how could Donny leave now, when his mother was so sickly? Surely without Donny she would take her chance to live with the wolves (as she had always wished to)
just like, a few... minutes! And internet cost... and your time... oh wait I already went over that. Still! As long as you have a computer and internet, you should be able to do it
more interesting and uncomfortable the expectations are ridiculous. Girls expect you to be able to guess the winning lotto numbers and do Chinese math. Who does that in bed? Well
Why did she have to do it so late? Well, money perhaps. Kali's mother wasnt quite of a rich family, but indeed ver father, Mr. Ricodeamor was inmensly huge. That Mother's Day, Kali
So I nucked them like I did in japan and then flew my plane into the Freedom tower in the name of Allah
," I stuttered to the stranger. I can hardly manage to speak or make any contact with people these days. I guess that's because I'm no longer a person, and why the stranger is dead
when the next wise owl would be chosen. There was Lex who was jealous Clark &; Jelly who was codependent on Peanut Butter &; Bill who was in love with Ted. But likely it would be
They play with our emotions; with our hearts; with our epiglottis. Which makes us gag &, we frequently throw up Stardust. Not Ziggy but his secret twin Nigel Stardust. Covered in