One day a defecated potato chip called out to him as he was flushing it. "Thank you mister. Your gluttony has freed me from my thralldom. I will return to the Earth Mother now."
Johnny had put all of his potato chip knowledge into one grand excell spreadsheet and fed the data into his great computer, the human mind via direct feed to his nervouse system. A
So I went up to the nearest clown and asked him or her or them, "Can you play something gay?" I asked while pointing at the kazoo in his/her/their hand. "Of course," he/she/they s
wish they hadn't. On account of his face being pockmarked by trangressions. Some Dorian Grey couldn't afford a painting. But he could afford a low life scum like John. The Voudon
on Lilith's side. She hadn't been cursed by God. She didn't have the limitations Adam and Eve had. She had left Eden of her own free will. Killing either or both seemed fair enough
She entered the world penniless, determined to leave it the same way; until, through a volatile incident which involved balloons, lube, & cocaine, she made enough money to retire.
An unimportant, but much appreciated, breeze blew through the window screen, carrying the Platter’s sweet sound of twilight’s heavenly shades into my young, and eager-to-hear, ear
Dad & Elsa rented a pad in Venice, a hop-skip-and-a-jump over 7 homeless people to the infested Pacific. The air stunk of Jack-in-the-box, and a salsa beat voided into the garage.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I lived my whole life by those bullshit words. Truth is, it’s been broken for 20 years or more & it can’t be fixed because the parts are obsolete
I tend to fall for bipolar women at their peak high; I levitate them higher with my oomph. After 7 years of bliss, gloom and misery steal them from me, and I’m left alone, again.
But they worked against each other. William Hall specialized in "active measures" or "wetwork". He had the late shift infiltrating the airport. While Tyrus Benson was a TSA Special
Another where place where the Hollywood's Doppelgänger trope comes up against reality is in the case of having somebody reflaced by their clone. The clone has a different life arc
Bubba was rounder than a sponge cake & twice as soft; his son, Darryl, was his clone. When Darryl was six, Bubba started learning him to be a bully, and Darryl was a fast learner.
dumped onto their laps. Stick with me, he cried. I’m closed to the Promise Land. Green Acres turned out to be the promised land, a Nevada ranch filled with bunnies and playboys.
His birth name was Carl Anthony Jamali, which was also his father & Nonno’s name; his Nonno was Carl & his father was Tony, he went by Jamal & James & Jam and, finally, Jimmy Jam.
, who rarely sold things that Chamelea enjoyed, until he sold her the Sofa Tartan. “Yesss,” Chamelea yelped as she turned into a full-blown plaid Scottish imp with engorged booty.
"The culprit got away," Sgt. Sherry Pepper told her new partner, a rookie. The look he gave her said "Huh?" "The perp gave me the slip," she said as an explanation he might get.
As far as I am concerned it can stay on ice for another 126 months. I wish I was on ice myself. Homeword bound on a slow moving cargo ship out of Pluto. I hear they have air again.
It did! Judge Godly Bullets threw the book at them both and they both have head lumps to prove it! Aunty Bess went from rehab to the county jail; Mingus got a job at Jiffy Lube.
3rd grade class. (She had been held back two years.) "I know you gave me cooties, Billy Michell. If not you, then Jason or Kurt," she had said. She still believed it to this day.