My ship was received by the Reinforcement

  • My ship was received by the Reinforcement Blossoms. When I opened the hatch I could smell the fragrance streams passing digital information through solar petals.

  • I was pistil-whipped by a belligerent daisy. “Be careful out there, Sarge,” said Lieutenant Bud Bryan. “Don’t hesitate to use your shovel.” The War on Flower Power became feistier

  • chemical. Lt. Bryan handed me a Windex bottle, filled with poison, or so he thought. Instead, he grabbed the wrong one, the one with Miracle Grow. As I sprayed the killer daisy, it

  • grew green legs jumped out of the soil, grabbed a butchers knife and started waving it about while running down the street. Lt. Bryan said "Well done. Now go and get it". So I hit

  • the ground in hot pursuit, pressed the homemade tinfoil button on my JC Penney sweater vest and shouted "Go Go Gadget!" Tin Ninja fighting stars materialized in my vest pocket

  • so I whipped one at my enemy like a deadly frisbee. WHAM! The shuriken sunk deep into my enemy's forehead and he fell over backward- dead as a doornail à la Goliath. "Go Go Gadget

  • Mama!" I cheered myself. But to my horror my dead enemy struggled to his feet, glared at me and popped the shuriken from his forehead towards mine at high velocity. Time slowed as

  • my bowels moved without concious permission. The shuriken spiraled rapidly toward me but I sensed the entire world around me with animalistic awareness. At the last moment before

  • it sliced through my jugular, I executed a perfect triple salko with backflip. The shiruken's burning blade sliced into my arse. Oh no! Aaaaaaaarrrrgh! It bloody hurt! A samurai

  • reached in and apologized, but the pain was immeasurable. I was bleeding more than I did after my ex bunged me. I was a heap on the ground. Blood, blood, stinging, stinging...gone.



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