He sat at the keyboard and resolved that

  • He sat at the keyboard and resolved that his days of zombie stories were over. Love, innocence, and a young girl's coming of age were what he yearned to write about. The title?
  • "Sarah, Totally Not a Zombie, Meets Jacob (Also Not a Zombie)." A perfect name for what was sure to be the perfect story of the path into womanhood. As he got to writing, though,
  • he quickly realized that the path to womanhood couldn't be turned into a movie parody or a merchandise empire withOUT the addition of inter-species relationships. What a conundrum!
  • What a gew-gaw.
  • I hung the gew-gaw from my neck, so I would always remember that fatal error. Never again would I know love, or what it feels like to not have killed my own family. I turned to
  • my diary. "Dear Diary, Boy what a fateful day I've had! Killed my own family, Loss of love, and I rode the subway for the first time! Knock on the door. Gotta go!"
  • Detective Manatee closed the book and scanned the room. Aside from the door he'd entered from, there was only the window with the fire escape. An open-and-shut case of familicide.
  • That's what they told him. Detective Manatee, sneakily browsed through his pocket dictionary. "Familicide, ha yes! Couldn't agree more!" Detective Manatee wasn't known for his
  • grammar,spelling or syntax,but he was known to throw around a big word or two during an investigation(like floccinaucinihilipilification and badinage)and he always solved the case
  • by browbeating the prime suspect into a confession with excessively recherché verbiage. "Whatever happened to 'a hey and a ho and a hey Nonny no?' ". But Nonny merely said "Bang."


  1. m80 Aug 11 2011 @ 01:32

    Yay! Detective Manatee on the case again! (http://foldingstory.com/xdeil/)

  2. Bad. Aug 11 2011 @ 05:02

    Detective Jason Manatee will always be there, whether he's needed or not.

  3. DanMars Aug 11 2011 @ 08:14

    who is this Manatee guy? I've seen him in a few stories around here.

  4. SlimWhitman Aug 11 2011 @ 08:41

    Over to BadAxel, founder of " the Preservation of Manatee Detectives Foundation". Care to link to the original Det. Manatee story Bad?

  5. Chaz Aug 11 2011 @ 14:28

    It is rare to actually LOL, but I did. Fun story!

  6. BlastedHeath Aug 12 2011 @ 13:49

    Jason? What have you done with James Manatee?!!!

  7. SlimWhitman Aug 12 2011 @ 18:00

    That's his twin brother. Manatees are always born in pairs dontcha know... How else to you explain how Det. Manatee can be on so many cases at once?

  8. Bad. Aug 14 2011 @ 21:33

    @BlastedHeath Sorry, when I was first messing around with the character of Detective J. Manatee, his first name would change to a different male name that started with a J for each fold I put him in. James was what eventually stuck however, so I gave up on the name-change game. @DanMars The only things we really know about Detective James Manatee is that he's a Detective, he's got a thirst for justice, and he's half-man half-manatee. He also has a love of overdramatic pun-based entries. (In reality, he's a character I created and like to bring around every now and then here at FS. To my enjoyment, some other talented writers here have also adopted him into their own folds, it seems like he's kind of become a "Folding Story meme" nowadays.) @SlimWhitman I am rather certain that this is the very first tale of Detective James Manatee. http://foldingstory.com/wz4az/

  9. m80 Aug 15 2011 @ 01:32

    Nice to see the very first story, and it's a lot of fun seeing him as a recurring character.

  10. SlimWhitman Aug 15 2011 @ 09:26

    I put together a (incomplete?) list of Manatee cases as a comment to the original Manatee story: http://foldingstory.com/wz4az/#comment

  11. BlastedHeath Aug 15 2011 @ 09:50

    @BadAxel -- Your Detective Manatee is a lot of fun. He always makes a great entrance. I hope I didn't jump the shark by starting a story about yet another J. M. -- now that I know about the changing name I'd better leave things in your culpable I mean capable hands. ;-)

  12. Bad. Aug 15 2011 @ 16:19

    @BlastedHeath Feel free to take Detective James Manatee wherever your imagination wills him, that's what Folding Story is for, after all.

  13. buddyboy4711 Aug 15 2011 @ 16:58

    Enkindled/stoked by all this, I started a James Manatee fold yesterday (<--shameless plug). It's coming along, but if any other loyal fans would like to add to the incomplete action, that would be cool. So as not to keep this comment purely a Manatease: http://foldingstory.com/7z8cy/

  14. buddyboy4711 Aug 15 2011 @ 18:43

    And to augment Slim's list, there's also BlastedHeath's cool fold about Jherek Manatee of Mars (any relation?). Options abound! http://foldingstory.com/df8xc/r4pic9/

  15. BlastedHeath Aug 15 2011 @ 19:02

    And here's one which is set in the State of Amnesia =D http://foldingstory.com/hvnhp/

  16. m80 Aug 16 2011 @ 01:49

    This is all just so fanTAStic! Slim, thanks a lot for putting that list together--love the titles. Somebody(s) PLEASE finish the Meter Maid Murder story!! :-)

  17. 49erFaithful Aug 16 2011 @ 17:43

    Just stumbled across this string today. It's always fun to get a flavor of the people behind the folds by reading comments, profiles, and such. And, of course, recurring characters such as the intrepid Det. J. Manatee are a blast! Fold on brothers and sisters of FS, fold on!

  18. SlimWhitman Nov 17 2011 @ 14:14

    With the recent relativistic paradox solved despite driving in the State of Amnesia (http://foldingstory.com/hvnhp/) Det. Manatee's ready to tackle some unsolved cases in his files: http://foldingstory.com/n62lj/ http://foldingstory.com/k8woa/ http://foldingstory.com/kqq33/ Scarn & Manatee team up: http://foldingstory.com/tzsyz/ And on the Red planet: http://foldingstory.com/n5fex/

  19. sundancer Oct 09 2016 @ 06:03

    Detective Manatee is so famous people are dressing up as him at Halloween now. Come add to the story... http://foldingstory.com/2lp8r/

  20. SlimWhitman Mar 18 2017 @ 02:16

    The Great Komodo Caper http://foldingstory.com/reiah/

  21. SlimWhitman Aug 24 2017 @ 06:01

    The Case of the Manatese Flacon http://foldingstory.com/jlgoj/

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