Finished Folds (161—170)
4of your demise." I nodded, and closed skype. Then I promptly hid in the closet just as the priest arrived. I heard him sniffing. "I smell taco bell. I know you're in here" he said.
4"God damned traffic." she muttered as she stared at the bridge full of cars ahead of her. "To hell with it." With her telekinisis, she blew up the bridge, killing millions.
4"First off, your grammar is atrocious." I replied to the attorney. "Secondly, we don't have state farm insurance, we have Geico. Thirdly, how again did his underwear spontaneously
5would like for dinner. Harry always was a greedy fellow, who'd eat almost anything. Suddenly, though, my condition got even worse: giant spiky antlers burst out of my head, and
4With that, the city evacuated into the enormous shelter. Fortunately, only one of the giant mayonnaise jars spilled, but thanks to clumsy trooper Steve, much of the ammunition was
6'n Mickey!" Goofy said, holding a spyglass to his eye and clutching his crooked pirate cap to his head. "Excellent!" Captain Mickey Mouse said, brandishing his cutlass. "We'll have
5The bride huffed, and offered me a boquet of roses in return for me to open my window. When I refused, her eyes turned red, and she grew long, bloodstained claws, tearing at the
4She said. "It's no problem." I replied. "We should just be grateful that it was only a small herd of beavers."
4began, I happened to glance out the window. then I did a double take. It was the reincarnated corpse of John F Kennedy, back for revenge!
4"Darg! nert ergern!" the old man cried as he desperately went to the closet for a needle and thread. he cried out in pain as he desperately tried to sew the severed part back on.