Finished Folds (821—840)
6. Morgue assistants are easy. I can't even count the morticians I've hopped in the sack with. I needed something new. Maybe the movie industry. I wondered if best boy grips put out
4overboard with the creepy business, but he must learn how to make a fortune day trading. A mummy handed Dirk a Dracula mask and a name tag with a little black cat & a witch on it.
5I sighed. I flipped the calendar to Dec. It flipped back to July. This was not good. I tore it off the wall. It flapped vigorously, avoided a stupid pun, and perched on the fridge.
5& each bar had a random number of beats. Only people with ADHD could dance to it. Discovering LEP stands for Limited English Proficiency, they changed their name to REO Foldwagon
6And so was he. The Pervo Reality Show camera crew sniggered as they followed the teacher of the year into a janitor's closet. He'd made a hole to spy on the principal Ms. Slaphappy
5he Generally Scary Car. (an amphibious 1969 Dodge Charger, BTW) The 2 monsters, Puke and Botox Spook (the Spooks of Monster Hazzard county) had a sister, Crazy Spook. They
7Pork & beans are funnier than baked beans because they have pork in them. Pork is funny. Pork buns are funny. Bok choy isn't messy enough. Finger sandwiches, eh. Pies - very funny.
5Paul was fed up. He boarded his banana boat, tooted its horn and chugged up a minor tributary of the stream of consciousness to a movie studio back lot where the director wasn't
1the list he always carried of things she could blow: your mind, a kiss, her top, chunks, it out your ass, the whistle, a fuse, her nose, smoke rings, your house down. Mr. Bubbles
4thing he was good for since he sat on his ass procrastinating all the time. I was sick of his sarcasm. I am small, fuzzy and adorable. And the world is full of laps. To hell w/you
5chattering wind-up toys as his prime directive stimulated his reinforcement center. He capered about her threateningly. She bopped him with a soup ladle. He died. "I win" she said.
4& sang, "Frosty the lamprey was a parasitic soul, an eel-like fish with a sucker mouth & no eyes." Ratman fell & Stoat took the lead of the Change the Lyrics to "Frosty" Sewer Race
5Then I remembered it was Dia de los Muertos. What a relief. The skeletal mariachi band wasn't some pure evil supernatural thing. No wait -- today is Cinco de Mayo. I trembled like
5had left the circus ring but maybe it had broken when he'd tied it into a balloon poodle. Now that I'm carrying Bozo's baby, I'll never forget that night of madcap passionate love.
6had a delightful time sipping cappuccino & chatting pleasantly on such topics as the curious customs of the locals & our gaseous diarrhea. We then rented the strangest little boat
2npipe 1" in diameter, cut to a 3 foot length and whirled rapidly. An eager whippersnapper rushed in waving a press release. "Your Honor, it IS bean residue in the water supply!"
2"the two generally rounded surfaces on the posterior of a primate of the simian infraorder (3 words, plural)." The FS on demand hint for "still life with hyperactive bushbaby" is
7The following narrative was found written on a bank statement envelope in the back pocket of a miscreant youth in Arkham, MA. Near the end the writing becomes an illegible scrawl.
5with symptoms he only hinted at in furtive whispers. My dog became melancholic. The nameless horror that had crawled from the marrow roamed the night-shadowed Dunwich area at night
6Subsequently, however, now it, namely, my shift key, is OK. Yet in contrast, my conjunctive adverb key, rather, is, instead, stuck. Indeed, I, consequently, should not, undoubtedly