Finished Folds (1—20)
2had a keen ear for urban music. "Day call me Lil Copy and I got sum sick flows. By the way, you're under arrest. Biatch!"
5You made me sick at the sight of you, but I'm so indifferent I've forgotten what you even look like.
4The rivers turn yellow and the lake grey. God is tired of this world he has created. Time to move on and try again with another world. Earth is now God's latrine.
3"Rocktard's me name, and killin's me game." the brash dwarf exclaimed. Rocktard placed his worn battleknife on the stone table and settled in for some lamb stew. There was a rumble
3The larger woman asserted her dominance and ripped the bag of hairnets away from the other. "I'm not going into the zombie apocalypse without my hairnets." Tina shouted.
9Mrs. McGurk smiled and winked at him. "Would you like to taste my rolls?" asked Mrs. McGurk. Burned across 90% of his body, he reached up and grabbed one of her rolls.
5Oh, but that extra padding felt so nice on his genitals. Who would have thought padded underwear was so comfy. Not to mention the extra boost of confidence the illusion of a thick
3weren't going to research themselves. As he lookined back into his microscope, he notice on of the animalwhatits had grown a new arm. Finally the stem cells of the fetus
2"Your grandfather King Slanus?" Squeeked Marvin. Marvin's mind was now racing to concoct a plan to retrieve the Queens pen from the clutches Lord Sctroticus.
4Wow. I never thought I would ever head up a project. Especially a game like Wheelcraft. I'm going to need motion capture of the handicaps so we can animate all the combos in the ga
2Madge was spent. Exhausting every ounce of fluid she had, made her feel like a withered, empty tit. The magic inside Edinburg castle was waning. The only thing that could restore
3to make people think they were in to fitness. In truth, they were addicted to YouTube more than they could even admit to themselves. They've seen every PewDiPie video ever made.
4It could have been because she was lactose intolerant. Maybe she was allergic to insulin. Most likely though, it was her insatiable hunger for
5Sausage Boyz. A low level Italian gang from Ohio. Hugo the Italian never picked up his phone. I was up shit creek without a cannoli. I hope Slick Rick answers.
4the job, the other stripper down at the Jiggle Hut Bar and Grill are gonna go on a strike. "I can't afford my Pall Malls on minimum wage!" She said. "Raise it to $15/hr and I'll
3At first Ronnie retracted. But, soon gave in to the monk's advances. A long, uncomfortable silence that felt like an eternity broke with the sound of Ronnie's release. The monk
2Prince. With a graceful flutter, the spectral pop god floated towards me. "Come with me if you want to meet MJ."
5-tle attached to the side of their cage. Hamlet Hamster clutched the tiny skull of his friend Horatio Hamster. "Why did that damned wheel have to take your life?" Hamlet Hamster
3Faat Aalbert's stomach turned and gurgled. "Oh boy! Here comes da chili!" he said with a unnerving glee. The Farkle brothers moved in closer to ground zero that was Faat Aalbert's
2one bring themselves to purchase canned wine? The logo that features a crucified Jesus on their Chilean Malbec was too ironic to pass up. Canned wine is indeed the future!