Finished Folds (541—560)
3"Which witless whistler whittled away Willy's wigwam?" I retorted. And everyone stared at me like I had
2that had garnered so much attention that it prompted Surgeon General's Warnings on each box. "WARNING: May cause severe eyebrow twitching and finger twirling." Twiddler and his
8everything in sight, his little brain completely incapable of comprehending the madness that had infected his brain. Perhaps that lawn fertilizer hadn't been such a good idea.
2thought to himself that Marie Osmond was quite talented, being able to do all three of those things at once. He was such a boring elephant by comparison, only capable of
3forever. And it was all thanks to Auditman! Tune in next week, as Auditman takes on the evil H&R Bloc. Same tax time, same tax channel!
5And then I realized, "Wow, that's a pretty ugly thing to do. Instead, why don't we play a game of Tiddlywinks or Break the Ice or something innocuous like that?"
2. "This meeting will come to order! All rise for your supreme overlord, KieferSkunk." The FoldingStory Anonymous crowd stood up and bowed as Kiefer walked in, but laughed when
6Captain Neutrino zoomed thru the galaxy each week in search of villainy to pass through. With his trusty sidekick, Higgs the Boson,
3got to her first. Before I knew it, she'd married a private investigator and moved to Florida, and I was left with nothing but a jury summons.
5So, it's January 3rd, 2013. Now what?
6And then there's the robotic reindeer minions. Santa needed lots of those to complete his dastardly plan. It was all coming together. The Franken-elves, the robot reindeer. Now
4terminator a gift basket, to "thank" him for the "gift" of a million cockroaches he bestowed upon my house. The gasoline fruit salad was sure to be a blast, but first I had to get
4When the bear farts, when the car stalls, when I am feeling down. I just think of my most annoying things, and then I don't feel so ... brown? Who wrote this script anyway!?
5Doctor! You have eluded me for eons, but now I, Davros, have captured you and destroyed your precious Tardis! My army of Daleks will rule the universe FOREVER!
1until a giant disco clown suddenly blocked his path. "Would you like to take a survey?" asked the clown. Detective Manatee
6had to be cancelled this year on account of the Mayan calendar, which caused the world to end abruptly just before this story was fi
4Express and continued this dreadfully long run on sentence with even more interesting plot twists like that one time when Luke discovered he could make popcorn with his light saber
3, everyone knows that when he cries out "WIIIIIILLLMMAAAAAAAA!!!", it's not because he's been locked outside, if you catch my drift. And how do you think he got strong enough to dr
3this. She was tired from kissing her lollipop. The officer said "Mother Rucker is a tuckered trucker, having puckered a sucker." We just shook our heads.
4Then suddenly, Lindsey Lohan drove her car through the nearest wall and revealed a bright, colorful land full of small, horse-like creatures with impossibly huge eyes. They looked