Finished Folds (201—220)
3"This will keep me out of college", I thought. I proceeded to write the most banal paragraph ever, filled with racial slurs and a lot of instances of the word, "uh". My parents
5wondering how he was ever going to learn to take care of his family while remaining willfully illiterate. It was then that he decided to fight for the rights of the illiterate.
3What he'd fail to account for was the quickness with which it took effect. It effectively kept girls at home asleep, unable to even get to the clubs. He fumed as the night came and
7that had smelled as bad as him? As he floated up towards heaven he arrived at the gates. It looked like the Mormons were right. He began to panic as he thought of the hell that
3him with her powerful groin muscles. Softly at first, then progressively louder, a voice could be heard from under her dress, singing an Irish drinking song.
4blissfully unaware of the bombings that would soon be coming his way. Within a matter of weeks he was on the run from hit squads and air strikes. Cheney doesn't like to lose.
2really really into coffee. Chivet poop came out like a solid brick, you'd need tools to get the sweetest of sweet coffees. But each bean was totally worth it, because the Chivet
4the men started throwing bottles at the stage. As the band continued playing what sounded like cats making love the crowd grew more agitated and began lighting fires.
9She was unimpressed by this fact and looked at me with suspicion now. I told her about the female Chilean sea bass and it's complex mating rituals and the sexual positions of bass.
3Ms White couldn't afford the wages the seven were asking for, so they were all quickly fired and replaced with a much cheaper group of seven from Mexico.
3It took the country music world by storm and soon they were playing to rooms full of toothless yokels and senior citizens everywhere. It was awesome, never before had they gotten
5And the jetpacks all exploded like a 4th of July fireworks display and the pieces of shit riding the jetpacks who had interrupted a perfectly good narrative were blown to tiny bits
5Swedish girls beat the both of them. I left feeling real proud of myself, having insulted their beer and women, and I was totally unprepared for the chair that smacked me across
2which sent him into a wild rage. He whirled around and pinned me to the floor with his massive girth, while a chunk of my poop slid down his face and onto mine.
11I entered my apartment and smelled sulfur. Satan had been here, and I was willing to bet he was taking Cheryl out right now. I knew I never should have trusted Satan around my girl
6Billy was bouncing of the walls with energy. The pixie sticks he'd snorted had hurt like hell and caused a nosebleed but he was feeling them for sure now.
8As the family moved into their new three story home they were told by the moving men about all manner of history, from the indian burial ground the home was built on to the scenic
1shed and beaten with a rusty shovel within one inch of their life. Fortunately, no Jar Jar supporters showed up, and I was later informed that they were a myth, which made me happy
6ever. Even everyman electrical engineer E. Edwards enjoyed earnestly expressing enjoyment.
1got on the decks and started splicing together a medley of Wu-Tang Clan's greatest hits. The crowd went bananas. Dolly was tearing it up, cutting and scratching like a pro.