Finished Folds (61—80)
6but I really hate Jews, gays and Gypsies - well, really, anyone different from the Aryan ideal." Captain Von Trapp leaned in close and whispered "But I truly loathe the sound
4Sergeant Lipschitz sat on a stoop, singing Delibes' Flower Duet - well, at least half of it- to himself. Ever since he had caught a showing of "The Hunger" late one night, he had
5- were the English as pasty-tasting as they looked, or beneath the doughy surface did something tasty (not boiled they hoped!) lie?
3- I needed another 200 experience points before I leveled up and could Chennel Divinity to turn the thing, and I wan't about to risk combat with only a spoon as a weapon. Why had
6ed - it might have been a horse, but I was pretty pickled so I'm not really sure. I sat on the diving board afterwards and sang all the Adele songs I knew. My falsetto attracted
4and covered in bacon grease, we were arrested two blocks away from the clinic. She wouldn't speak to me at all, just keep swabbing her ear clean and glowering at me.
3Laughing on the inside my ass. It's all just deep dark despair and pancake makeup.
3Our Lord and Savior Kenny G reigned supreme. Tthe Archangel Michael Bublé
6and evaded their questions. I coldly refused to recreate the seduction scene from "The Hunger" unless Sergeant Lipschitz sang both parts of the Flower Duet.
4the trail of blood had attracted further predators. To my horror I watched as wolverines ripped off my arms and carried them off to eat later. A mountain line snacked on my back
5Aloysius, demigod spawn of a tryst between Vulcan, god of smiths and fire, and Julia Child, conceived on Julia's expedition to Aetna's peak to cook sea creatures in lava, sat in
2Creeeeeek. Slam! Thump. Thump.. THUMP! Knock knock. Kapow!
6Oh God, not another job application! Here goes: First name: Wizard, last Name: Oz, Occupation:Pork Wizard. At Will Spells: Coat with Shake 'n' Bake, Baconator, Tofu to Bacon.
3remembered the illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator that the small green being in the Trojan tutu had given me. "Do you think this would help destroy planet Blammo?" I said,
6I pulled the lever, and a thousand pounds of kitten, ferret and guinea pig flew toward the enemy at hypersonic speeds. A second later a familiar crackle and hiss told me that the
1Johann poured another cup of Gevalia, his oddly lusterless blond hair barely moving. Weyland-Yutani was really coming along on its line of Cafe-bots - the twitchiness that had mar
5In a thunderous explosion of light the Doctor reincarnated, taking on the form of his last incarnation. Before us stood a cross between Ethel Merman and Suchet's Hercule Poirot,
6the orchestra pit, I landing in the woodwinds, she among the tympani. Now ballet was out, twerking was in - her ample derrierere gyrated out of a kettledrum, and I did my best to
4"Mffmphm. Mmmpha, heamfff - phmmth!" he mumbled through the duct tape over his mouth. I grinned and revved the Smart ForTwo's engine, which sounded exactly like a hair dryer
6snarked the waitress as she filled the glass with iced tea. "By the seeds upon the buns, something bovine this way comes?" he quoth. "Well done is done."