scratched the surface as he pondered his next move. He'd run out of rations a month ago. His terraformed garden was done for. He could starve or forage in the contaminated areas.
Everyone knows that in Babylonian cuneiform, unless a phrase starts with a Snake symbol, the Equal symbol always comes before the Reed symbol. This one had the Reed first. No Snake
The flower was a creeper. I couldn't tell when it got there but it was there. That is when I saw some guy had posted a Babylonian cuneiform tablet he'd bought. It was misspelled.
Little appreciated fact: any picture of anyone is a picture of them younger.
A forked tongue licked the back of my head. "Mm. Love the taste of your implant. Got any others?" I let go my grip of the fangs and did a spider roll across the helipad, hoping to
"Dear Detective Manatee, I know I seem the most likely suspect by dint of being kindly, incapacitated and on life-support, but it's really my evil granddaughter Sangromangia
I never quite expected to be a hundred, or for my dad to be alive at 125. Medical advances, eh? But some of us centenarians regained our physical youth while our minds went psycho
What a choice. Stalkers in the woods or the banal connivers at the inn? I flipped a coin and a twig snapped behind me. I won. My stalker funded a nice evening at the inn in Yheins.
One day at Tony Packo's, Father Vivaldi confided, "Yes, I've heard many things, and know a few, things I can't reveal. But there is a loving breeze behind the darkness." T
was good. I signaled Silent Jazz leader that the coast was clear for her team of ninjas to infiltrate the 37 West tower. Meanwhile I bought the woozy psychics another round and a
My mother is a lathe in her grave at the state in which I've let the lawn get. I attempted yard work yesterday. The weed eater and my lack of sight did me in. Playing with dirt.
prove that the our universe was God's 6th grade science project and that evil wasn't a bug but a feature of it. Angela Ingress had pictures from Heaven. "Sympathy for the God" died
She was a natural born weed puller; she was better than the best. Naturally, she became a prosecutor straight out of Compton, and now she has found her way in through the back door
became "the day of my cosmic corner". His coffee became "the lubricant of my cosmic mind". His bean & cheese burrito became "my cosmic brother sacrificing itself for me". When Adam
he should be cooking. His butt didn't get tired of rising but the rest of him got tired of flaying about in a panic and he fell asleep. When he woke up his butt was flying low over
Flushed out like a pigeon. How easy that was for you, wasn't it? I know you now know. Now you know that I know you know. My numbers will suffer. I don't mind. Never paid attention.
in a crate of books marked Leopold & Loeb being forwarded to Ambrose Bierce, General Delivery, Jewish Quarter, Istanbul, Raogout 78 couldn't be Lord Vacuity. He's probably went to
Not having love means never having it tested. That put me at a disadvantage should I get one.
or futher. Where ever the fractal takes me. And you if you'll go with me. My offer is the closest I can ever come to loving you. I know it is painful for you but I know you know me
Zone First Class your 6 o'clock. Blue turban, double dd, Glock 2, organ doner, TX CHL, STI free (from RFID)?" Eric glanced at his 6 o'clock. She was fetching. She'd do. "Lola come