Finished Folds (321—340)
2awkward." He responded, "You don't know what I've been through. Those window shoppers--you know who they are? They aren't who you think. They are heinous psychopaths."
4the grocery store and pulled out a gun. He demanded that the clerk give him $20 and a nail gun. He wouldn't tell the clerk why, but the clerk obeyed. Then the adult ran to 5th Stre
3washboard abs and explosive biceps. If you went to the gym on Monday evenings, you would find Rick there, straining his muscles to ascend to a higher plane of being. There was a pr
5in order that they might feed the contingent of footsloggers with buckets of shallots. Unfortunately, shallots blinded most of the footsloggers, so their rebellion kind of failed.
4But she was an urchin--the poorest child in upstate New York. And all the dolphin gangs of the Prohibition Era had porpoised to make her life a living hell. Then, there was a
8He dragged me into a beat-up convertible and brought me to a Beach Boys concert. In South America. "What's metal about this?" I asked. "It grates on the ears," my dad responded.
2and a eurypterid appeared, flashing its stinger in a menacing fashion. Quagmire was alarmed, but Deathwish was quite pleased for obvious reasons. And the whole band played a dirge.
4I decided to take dance lessons from Ronnie's Dance, Trance, and Pants Studio, run by the great Ronnie himself. When I found out that Ronnie was working for the CIA, things got
5What is that over there? No. Seriously. That thing is seriously creeping me out. It's like a box. NO WAIT. OH CRAP. IT'S COMING THIS WAY. SOMEONE STOP IT. AHHHHHHH!!
2and declared to the crowd, "Finally, I found my wallet!" He proceeded to pull his wallet out of his pants pocket and show it to everyone. Not as exciting as King Kong, anyway.
2to tell her she looks good in that dress," you really shouldn't listen to me. You might misapply my flawless wisdom and make me look like a fool. But I am not a fool. I am always r
7Candy Crush Saga. Part II: The Revenge of Queen Frostine and Grandma Nutt. When we last left off, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company burned Candy Land to the ground.
2You know, I never was the best at racing games. I knew that you weren't supposed to hit the little animated people walking across the street, but hey, that's what my mom thought
4Or a failure, depending on your point of view. The Shadow Dorito Syndicate was at work in Seattle, stealing everyone's Doritos and making young children cry for their mothers.
5In fact, it wasn't Barbara Bush at all. It was a walrus, dancing the dance of the Universe. Easily mistaken for a topless First Lady, but everyone makes mistakes.
7on the edge of a wine glass. The mariachi band stopped playing. Even Little Joe McFiddleNuggets was silent. Everyone regarded the chipped tooth with solemn reverence.
5Father Joe Handsy was the town snitch. Legends say that he was there the night everyone was born. Just standing there, watching. Usually, he was singing some strange variant of
3some problems. Being abstract, she couldn't actually walk under ladders or break mirrors. She didn't actually exist, really. And when one doesn't exist, immortality becomes hard...
5But I didn't know how to romp, and I definitely didn't have a purpose, so I asked Aiden to teach me. Aiden told me he would as long as I promised I wouldn't skimp on the $40.
3would be swift. Using various social engineering techniques he had learned at University, he managed to brown-nose his way into the party. Just kidding. He used lightning and stuff