Finished Folds (121—140)
4discussed how sad looking the color purple is (the actual color, not the movie) and how unprofessional the iHop hostess tends to be. Hopping from the taxi I broke my heal and my
6hard liquor, he also enjoys an occasional half-drunk bowl of milk left out over night for the neighbors cats. That way he can say that he lapped up a little
2I had already spent on my fear of clowns was going to do nothing for armadillos. Oh well, back to Dr. Fatty McButterpants so I can visit Texas without wetting my pants.
3box didn't move, but after a couple of minutes, it bounced all around the counter. I ripped it open and found a parakeet fly out and squawk "Squawkers is FREEEEEEEEE!!"
1So, I was just accused of cyber bullying, but I think it was justified and not yet to the level of a hate crime.
3Cookie monster then walked up and started eating all the Reece Cups. Darn him and his eating ways.
3A spaceship flew in the door. Captain Kirk? What are you doing here?
4"Yes," replied Father Joe. "Actually I can. Remember, I'm a priest!" Oh my retelling of my sinful life, I'd forgotten I was at confession. "Tell me more," said Father
3"No," replied Father Joe. "No, actually I can't. Remember, I'm a priest!" Oh my retelling of my sinful life, I'd forgotten I was at confession. "Tell me more," said Fath
0pt with his pants around his ankles when the mom walked in. Danny Partridge said it freed his mind to let it all hang out as read the script. She looked longingly at his script
5crawl into his pants if he wanted another really really big banana. The monkey scrambled into his pants and Alan quickly took his belt in another notch, sighed pleasurably, and
3the same way since she had started playing in a nude roller girl league. That and she started walking around with a sugar glider on her left shoulder like a weird land pirate.
6sure this was the only doctor that could remove Squawkers from my, uhm, you know. It was completely accidental that I slipped and fell on that poor and adorable parakeet.
1goal. To prove Weinermobile worthy, he attended Broadway shows, got chills when he heard Cher sing, and began drinking cosmos. Oh yeah, and he put weiners in his mouth every
6s. Maybe this is how God created the platypus? Poor Squawkers was now a mess of once-beautiful feathers and sprouts of human hair from the tonic. Perhaps the zoo could could
3a dry-cleaning bill from Publisher's Clearing House for the monkey poop that was thrown on them when they showed up at her house. But, hopefully her monkey smuggling days are long
1purposely wet my pants so I could make the pyramid into my own personal slip and slide. Halfway down the pyramid my helmet cam fell off and slipped into a crevice in the pyramid
2that he had ever slathered all over his glorious naked body before slipping into his Easter Bunny costume for the next Furries Convention. The only problem was that the olive oil
6I was instantly 20 years behind the times by entering Canada. I was even able to find leaded gas for my sweet el camino. This was the smartest trip Squawkers and I had ever
3y even though Squawkers sometimes nibbled on the patrons' waffles, got feathers in the syrup, and gave the Waffle House a weird pirate-like environment. Still, people loved