Finished Folds (101—120)
1recorded and his biography would be written on Galapagos Tortoise shells, to insure its preservation for the future generations. He would take his crew and explore
1conjured up an enourmous, talking, sticky, 10-foot tall Turkish Delight. The monster generated instant panic among the crowd as it went straight for the
2it was glorious! The citizens cheered and started to dance and sing and prounce around like deers, rejoicing, celebrating its death, for it meant that now they would be able to
2And in its turn, this fact alone would eventually inspire the creation of the most acclaimed and beloved family show of all time:
1shocked every single one of them by showing them naked pictures of himself molesting baby gremlins, thus revealing his true identity. Nobody could have imagined how a fully grown
6snail bone-marrow was extremely difficult to find, given the obvious fact that snails have no
6traumatized pet mini-pig, the only one who had managed to escape the Hilton residence without killing himself. Oh the horrors he had seen! Before escaping, he made an oath to
2was ridiculously cheap, which I don't mind since I desperately needed the money to buy my very own
2started to sing, which meant that it was finally over. Now they had to go back to their idiotic
2and cut open a melon, interrupting the scene by inviting them all to eat. Suddenly,
2his grotesque double chin, the extent of which reached places no double chin had reached before.His man breasts felt cuddly warm, safe and protected by it, but little did they know
0suddenly became aroused.He had never experienced anything like it, but his circuits were adapting. As she continued to devour the brain, the robot gradually replaced her image with
2So he decided to order some online, but they only had the vegetarian version. He wanted the real deal. This meant that he had to go
1with the other villains and for that reason he was constantly made fun of and subjected to ridicule and mockery. They found immense pleasure in
3exploded into a myriad of tiny fuzzballs, all of them wearing glasses and being extremely annoying. Nevertheless, people grew fond of their new fuzzy companions, so they started
1jumped at him like a tiger jumps on its prey, tossed the vacuum cleaner aside, and shoved his finger up Osama's
0he never showed up. Many years later, he would find out the true reason of his sudden disappearance:
5and the entire Muppets cast and crew doing our dirty work for us. We'd finally be able to
0rusty nails and waterpipes!!" I've dreamt of this ever since I was a little
2movie ended, I suddenly realized we had been asked to be there for a reason. What I didn't expect was my date turning into a