Finished Folds (841—860)
4-ck Rome and conquer Italy before breakfast. Around lunchtime, I would take over Germany, Spain and Portugal, and by dinner I'd be ready to blow up Greenland.
3like he'd just stepped out of a disco hall. Polyester shirt, white leather bell-bottom pants, huge afro, dark sunglasses and gold chain. He had it all. But he was a man on
0Everyone except, of course, your mom. She's so fat she... oh, forget it.
3wondering how we was going to survive the onslaught of feline and canine projectiles falling out of the sky. "My word, this is a most bizarre occurrence", thought the hamster.
4to this day, long after the United States had dissolved and humans had perished from the earth. Thus proving that politics had the power to transcend even the greatest of
3Nevermind that my relationship had fallen apart. The wave of mutants was about to cause me to lose my spot on the leaderboard! Some nerve!
4Meanwhile, Vienna Sausage was being grilled over his involvement in the Sauerkraut Scandal. He knew his goose was cooked, but the thick-skinned brat maintained his cool.
7I dare you to add lines to this story. Go on, do it!
4it worked TOO well. Soon, the town was flooded with antique signs, posters and leaflets advertising the upcoming performance by Laser Cat and His Killer Termites, Thursday at 7pm.
2I turned to Facebook to ask my friends what I should do. Predictably enough, three hundred people liked my question, but only two people actually answered it.
4-olished the church and built a snazzy modern temple for his enormous ego. People all over the world would flock to this building to worship his greatness. If only
8would never forget, I made my way out into the strange, blue hall. I couldn't read the alien language, but a green sign pointed to the right and a bright red one to the left.
7His favorite party trick was the "Balloon Wiener Dog Revolver", which was a real hit with the kids. Two whirls with that baby could clear the whole room in an instant.
6So he packaged up the script and sent it off to Disney. A few days later, an agent from Disney Studios rang his doorbell and, when Tom opened the door, punched him squarely in the
5I listened as the guest proceeded to describe, at great length, how his arm had been replaced with a chainsaw, many bizarre creatures had attacked and befriended him, and
1He said "Everything you know is wrong."
2fo shizzle yo mean dat wack-a$$ bread thing dat yo mama put da shiznit on, right?" We gave up at that point and went back to weaving our baskets
1script is ludicrous! I want to see my agent!
2when I realized that all of this had been for naught. My mom was still dead, Hitler had still been a Nazi, and I just lost the argument.
1in hand, but not on body, the show immediately turned quite burlesque in nature. The audience was stunned.