Finished Folds (101—120)
3"Cretins is more like it", intoned hipster Melody, rolling her eyes. "Tarantino sure has jumped the shark with this blatant Mike Myers rip-off. What's with all the Scottish imagery
4Kerry, Natalie, Elijah, Ed, there they were...floating in space. Holding hands. Without solvent to unstick them. What would the Smiths do?
4Deciding on the cape was HARD. Length? Straight or tapered? Satin lined? So many options! Once caped, I went searching for tuba players trapped under a go-kart, to put my powers
5I'm not even sure she understands number 2. I giggled to myself imagining my hated editor panicing every time she was on the John. So i began my plan to overthrow Ch 2 with
4"Sandwiches of the Gods", we called them. But after a few too many, we'd get all vile and start throwing bottles at immaginary Odies, which was particularly disturbing at the mall
1and with that ran off to St. Bart's for a Preparation H-oliday. They lowered the Jolly Hemorrhoid, weighed anchor, and went to the beach. Hemorroy's brother Kenny Rogers brought
1Unfortunately, Fido hadn't paid for his bench, so he was curled up on it at the outdoor furniture store. The majorette was carrying a basket of apples she had swiped from
3made faces at the Pirates and invited them to tea. Since the Watutsi didn't have tea (or longboats, duh), the Pirates recognized them as Visigoths, and slaughtered all of them. Rex
3danced their way to another trophy. Because who doesn't like sweaty naked men spinning on their heads? This BI-PARTISANSHIP began a new era of enlightenment in Washington. Lawmaker
2was cancelled when nobody brought in the permission slips. So, they just listened to the cassettes left over from film strips and tried making decoupage John Waynes, but mostly ate
2The man with a machine heart whispered to his armless companion in binary: 100111010010110
2any sleep since he broke it off with Fred Flintstone. Beetle sighed. They were just from different eras. It never would have worked out. Everything that General Halftrack had showe
3well, Neanderthals, of course. But then Ug knew that his Neanderthals had nearly wiped themselves out fighting over Mammoth recipes. So why cloning? What was this ghost up to?
1I have no intention of appearing in this foldingstory. However,
4Go all griddle cake on his ass. Yeah, get all up his waffle. Those half-dollars don't come easy these days. This is a problem that will take more than just a little syrup to hold
5Santa would get "protection", an army of reanimated Franken-elves. Larger. Stronger. With laser vision, of course. What would be the point without laser vision?
4gravy-pops. Whenever Calvin tired of his precious and ironic comic, he'd retire to his trailer and load up on gravy-pops. There's nothing like congealed grease on a stick. Yum!
4poker chips? Wow, i guess i should have read up on how this Vegas thing works. But we'd had a great time travelling dimensionally, and had the $ to lose, so who cares if
2fascination, as Alton tore off his robe to reveal his fruitcake costume. "My fruitcake will spank yours, Giada!" Now that the crowd was distracted by THAT image, Alton grabbed
4and of course a fire started. Two sticks could never replicate plastic celebrities in fire starting. As if she had been made to "scale", Cher's hair lit up and the fire quickly