sashayed seductively into the Swinging Simian Social Soire and Salon where he was quickly Shanghai ed like last week's summer sausage and bound for ports unknow.
bolster the lumbering police state than to... He never did figure out how that sentence ended because just then he was called to take his driving test by Officer Imelda Paz.
this new philosophical territory. There was no question what the frontside looked like, any freshman philosophy student could describe the frontside, but the backside must be
the morning's events. I did not get far though because I kept coming back to that one moment when it all went sideways on me. The moment when I opened my eyes; the moment I awoke.
Universe from self imploding. It is a matter of when, not if." Neil de Grasse -Tyson had read the warnings at his email account. He was not prepared at all to be a cyborg, but the
"A General Theory of Oblivion". He was reputed to be a poetaster, so the audience didn't hold their breath. The Poetaster Council nominated for book of the year. But we digress...
Who cares if zombies made up over half the population? It's not all that different from back home. I organized a panel of experts to convince Hox that this would be a new start
I'm going piebald just thinking about it. Like Home Simpson I say "dough" and wait for help to arrive. Before long, someone slathers butter on my cracks with a pastry brush.
standing in my spot. Get. Out!" I wrenched away so harshly that some of the skin of my toes ripped. I hardly felt it at the time; I was eager to escape that terrifying maw. Mufasa
Was this like the electroshock therapy that is making a comeback? This big blue machine my mum gave me for Christmas is a strange contraption indeed. It has 50 blue switches.
Early on, the three heads -Yertle, Myrtle, and Squirtle- learned the importance of teamwork. The newborn hatchling had to work hard, flipper-in-flipper, in order to escape
E European Union by demanding social security for all of his species. They were sent to Mars after the taxpayers could no longer foot the bill.
His prey was more ferocious than he had thought. Sabu the Tiger told the prey, "Keep still!" Finally, he got his meal and shared it with his family-a wife and four children.
It started playing the electric triangle while James played the Monopoly game backwards on the piano. A rep from DGG recorded it and released an album, to rave reviews. The massive
I don't even have a car or license. I am not going to do errands today, they will wait until tomorrow. Just as well. No more booze at home or I use Jiggers.
Supposedly, the world was one giant glob of humanity, under globalist rule. But when I walked outside in my fish costume, everyone stared at me. "This is not Halloween yet!", Mr.
Ugh the window onto the verandah. All the contents scattered and, like cottonwood seeds, could be spotted everywhere. People began sneezing to death. Pollen counts skyrocketed.
As my grandfather informed me. It was about the Old West, before it was developed. Every man for himself, Grandpa said. They learned and survived.
My inner child began to wail for ice cream. My superego tried desperately to calm it down, playing peek-a-boo as my id formulated a plan to steal some from a baby. My ego sighed,
If you've already lost it, no worries, you'll fit right in. 3) fold with confidence even if you make a few typos and spelling mistakes. Jump right in where the last folder left off