favored the swarthy types. Without the anchovies though there was nothing for the mustard to do but simply sit there on the table between the salt shaker and the water glass.
jar of Nutella and watched endless episodes of FRIENDS. Friends, and employment, were just what my reclusive millennial children needed. So I dragged them by the collars and took
Because everywhere I went from then on, mirror me had visited just previously, and made a mess of things as an act of defiance. People punched me for no reason when I walked into
He turned until he could turn no more. She stopped him before he passed out. She said "You've been turning for the past 1 hour." "I know" he said. "I might not have a million dolla
The trout tried harder and harder, not knowing what was to come. Suddenly, a tornado struck hard and fast, leaving no time for the trout to escape in the storm filled with sharks.
bang. It wasn't until I heard the loud bang on my end of the receiver that I knew that Turly Curd had blown himself up in his own shower. At least he had gone clean. But now that
what appeared to be the world's most filthiest pile of used underwear ever left to rot. I didn't need to look at the wretched lump of putrescence long before a small wiggling bega
shake it until it explodes?". The scientists agreed and together, joining forces with that demon, shaked the machinery. Instead of exploding, it turned the gravity upside down and
drug her, with the pill crushed and mixed into Jello Pudding. Cosby even agreed to play one of his comedy CDs for her while he did the deed, an added bonus. All was going according
Park and met a lovely lady. His heart was pounding but refused to talk to her until his pubic hair was as perfect as the wig as Trump. He bit his lip and carried on with his day.
paisley suspenders & danced with a hoe in the hayloft like nobody's business.My Amish crush wore his suspenders inside out & with his bowl haircut his face look the same upsidedown
the Flying Nun Superhero. She'd float in,her cape all a flutter, & lasso the crooks in her Rosary. When she teamed with with Ninja Pope, they were the unstoppable Genuflecting Duo
-in Timberlake stepped up to help me. Unbeknownst to us, Justin was a droid, too. "He says he has a bomb that will incinerate all biological life. Sucks to be you!" said Justin as
said aloud. A run-of-the-mill tabby cat came sauntering out from the shadows of the trees, its amber eyes fixed on hers. "Yes, I'm a talking cat," it mewed. "Are you stupid?"
This thievery might have been for just cause she considered especially when such a controversial subject as "usury" is often a conspiratorial subject. This conundrum was met with
seems that more and more people are dying randomly. I have no clue how they happen really, I mean I did just whack this one on the head, but still, more than usual are dying
of superior intelligence, I opened wide my arms and meowed "Mama!" to the cat. She immediately took me to her breast, and I had to be careful that my rodent teeth did not give me
33,024 scans of their love making emailed to 523 employees, management and the Board sent their servers into heatsink whiplash bobsyouruncle nudge nudge wink wink throwdown. DEFCON
light that surpasses all misunderstanding in the rain in Spain Maine lion's mane inane in any orifice. Help yourself. Go on! Help yourself. Those flames are only in your mind. They
him. The sun din't believe him when he said he couldn't find the right romantic line. I saw him all the time and I didn't know the way he felt. Discard him, he means you harm! Let