Finding a booth to fit my cow catcher was difficult and more fuss than I expected. My date left somewhere between the Dairy Queen and Chan's Donuts.
On it's own 4 legs. We don't know the how or what the meaning but our reputation is on the line. In order to protect the City, can you give me an idea where your rampaging couch is
Afterwards thanks to the bacon, my hair shined brightly but I was barred from Synagogues and Mosques.
. . do anything for love. Within reason, of course. As long as it's the second Thursday of the month, and as long as I'm not too busy "helping" other people.
knowing this, still cogged him at the first bright up. He was innfed 35; he cogged out.
Not just alone and unassisted but darn right defiant! A cheese that saw only progress, a cheese -- wait let's go back. A cheese that only saw the brightness of Progress.
We tried to explain it was letterheads and not leaderheads but he wouldn't believe us. He told us we were robots trying to stop him from taking the leader's heads. Our braces did
We could see no problem in that statement. We moved along. This gets awkward when we try to talk while walking the walk of the talk, as it happens! Sorry, I got excited there.
The Red Army Faction invaded the compound and began dousing us all with industrial strength LSD with huge florescent hoses connected to tanks on the back of their VW Things. Yogis
police. They wouldn't listen, against all my protests, and threw me in jail. I didn't even do anything. A week later, the officer walked in holding
from the consequences. He was only following orders. Blame belongs up higher. Then even a whisper was not heard. These men who have never had to butter his own bread. With instinct
From the consequences. He was just following orders. Blame belongs higher up. But where did the humanity leave the situation? When the computers made their changes. In themselves &
Then I screamed as well. Loudly and without warning. My coworkers turned into prairie dogs then Whack-a-Moles. I explained I saw shadows. "What kind of shadows," asked Lloyd from
After a bit of time and a lot of margaritas I was glad for this funeral. A funeral that was going to hang around my neck like an albatross. Still glad. I called for menudo for all.
full DNA-Tripp Field test even for the upper Echelons. Why on any of the Worlds would she ever what That! Her whole life depended on people Remembering. Who she came from.
From the single light anywhere near the dump site in the alley a shadow that moved against the other shadows could barely be seen; but seen it was. "They're here."
I need a hat to help me make it through, a hand to spread love to, and ammunition for the Folders Revolutionary Army. By the way, you've just been drafted.
At the funeral Polly’s old friend Snowy and his human kept asking pointed questions about mysterious visitors reported in the marshes near Misty Mountain. Where was Psycho?
assembled this Ikea missile silo me and Raul just bought for the wedding reception. Don't worry, he paid using his stepdad's work expense card. Are you stoned? Dammit Lonny! You
So when he was supposed to bop he actually bebopped. Mood die. Finished cleaning his room and she left some time after 3am after crying on the porch for an hour. A stray dog came