I noticed a notification I had forgotten to look at just after lunch. It was a Friend Request from Martin Heidegger. Just then I got another from Mach and another from Planck. But
The shadows of some men are greater than the man they are the shadows of. Such was the case with our dim witted hero, Clarence Carmine Consangre. His shadow was Sinsangre. Scholars
I wept for my fallen comrades. It was brutal. Who knew when the cold hands of fate would pluck the accounts of my inactive comrades from them. Bleary eyed, I looked at Gibber, his
I call her the Laugher because it was her voice that broke the silence; or more like her laugh alerted them we were here. She's back there too. When the demons come for her I hear
I have high aspirations, I want to become an elevator operator. I'll go at it with professionalism and eventually I'll be be at the Space Needle or the Burj Khalifa
Looking into a mirror is intrinsically evil. That heresiarch was right about one thing even if he didn't know how many fingers to bless with. Mirrors multiply the evil.
"It's simple! You just have to wait untill they drop drunk!" Jeremy laughed as the innkeeper served another found. Ten minutes later, the royal guards were already drunk.
The congregation eventually ended up excommunicating every member of the congregation. Even as they were excommunicated themselves they refused to see
During reconstruction after the war we discovered our visitors had left evidence of their struggles while in hiding. The tops of the shelves they slept in were covered with their
This repetition can be overly tedious. That there are different results is proof that they really exist. On what logical view that doesn't torture the truth too much? Which wasn't
The subtitle of Frankenstein is The Modern Prometheus. The modern was still the future. The he asks me about Robert Anton Wilson's Prometheus Rising but has never seen Buckaroe Ban
The period in question was filled with countless depictions of journeys down the DNA Path and the dangers and triumphs to be had there. Gabriel Lassiter just found out he is on vac
Debbie does who, what, where? Phillie? Chi-town? La La Land? St. Paul? Sin City? Cin Cin Nati? How can Debbie do all these places and forget to do "Big D"? She most be worn out
At the end of February I am so sweeted out that Easter seems kind of forced. I can't wait to get to the summer when the fare of the day is savory. Burgers, Fries and good old BBQ c
Índia. Era outubro e as chuvas torrenciais da época das moções haviam passado. O periodo passado no mosteiro no Tibet fez meu cabelo crescer e me mesclar melhor com os Hindus.
The way that I concocted to make us really free. Based on my observation that lemon juice enhances whatever warm to hot liquid you put it into, including broths of finality, we use
I think the lighting is generally the cause of so many pills. Succumbed to Sin? Couldn't see the light. Lain with thy brother's wife? She's light on the teeth. Cargo pants? Fashion
An artist sets out for dinner with her man
Before, you would look at half a lung and trace out the major features and maybe their function and that was it. Simple, done, no problem. Now, you have to know who's neighbor mito
Horatio Primrose lived in a shotgun shack on the south side of Avalon, Mississippi; he inherited the house from his Aunt Saffron who bought the house for three hundred dollars in