It was March 9, 2013; the hangover from my birthday was still vivid. It hit me like a gunshot. "I'm leaving you. your love for me is more than I want”. Now I could be reborn.
just spitting out words which seems to be weird but if I connect the dots are making sense, and if his words turn out right the castrophic about to happen the diseater will be so
lake of liquid. The skies grew grey and blue, as the weeds grew and grew. Always growing, quite inspiring. Through the bitter cold, the weeds were still there next spring.
chewed her own arm off in order to get away from. Since then he has been annoyed by everything. Just now he is annoyed by a memory of his mother. "Ahalia Abraxam Asterity Ascot my
Ishtara Inlic LXXXIIII was happy. Very happy. He had just
Hiking isn't really my thing, but I was down to give it a shot. Plus, I wanted to see how Elisa would roll. Her outfit had me intrigued, like it was super hot. She was wearing
we regret that we did not comply exactly with the signed contract. However, we ask that you attend the next meeting for one last secret operation called "Retour". The informations
All the children knew the story of the pokemon card bandit that lived in the cellar of that filthy house. They feared him, they spoke of him in whispers. No one dared go near it.
immunity based upon the fact that if dead, as presumed, you would be unable to follow the law, is that true? Frank, the cunning linguist, declared “I believe in Lip Service."
Yes, I had known for a long time, but for her, it was like waking up from a long slumber. The realization that he was nothing more than one of those tentacled whelps must've come
Coriander posing as Cumin who was in charge of the Druid section of the prison yard. With their beltanes, samhains, and both equinoxes. Tree lovers the whole lot. Rowan, ash, oak,
werebear. Even though my speech was unintelligible to all of them, not understanding Quark,
i prepared foods that started with the letter T-Turkey, tortillas, turnips. Something about T had intrigued me since youth. She would love this meal as I loved her slanted T's.
speedo stomped up to my table, sat down, and sighed. He patted his big belly and belched, and removed his sunglasses as he asked me why I was here. I ignored him and tried to focus
apartment complex next to the playground, too far away to see her best friend. Maybe it was better this way...They should try meeting new people, make new friends. But maybe...
His tight curly hair could only keep them enthralled for a certain amount of time before they grew bored. He couldn't entertain them with just his sax playing, honestly, he wasn't
Or perhaps too good. Today was not a great day to die - already, two rock band drummers had been found dead and another young woman murdered by her ex. He couldn't compete.
The theater was packed, everyone having heard rumors of it being my 'very last show' despite me taking utmost pains not to let the secret out. I paced backstage, nervous but ready.
No not records. I can't remember it was something strange. Something... it's escaped me. My memory these days - you know how it goes. Clara insists upon my youth, given something I
Big foot was very territorial and challenged Bubbles to a dance off in front of the Elves. Winner take all to the last one dancing. Bubbles the crazy clown had some great moves.