scattered on the floor weaving a path through the apartment from the front door to the shower. She checked the clock. She had 43 minutes to get ready for tonight's date with
buy a lottery ticket. If she won she promised herself she would go visit Peoria, Illinois for no reason other than she had never there. Her ex was from Peoria. He was so random.
men. Even his relationship with his mother had been a strain for him. Jackie incapable of being beat poet yet there he was a beat poet haunting the streets of San Francisco.
ways. The people began to crowd around her from the auditorium. She quickly remembered the diseases spread through contact as she was drowned in a sea of hands. Then, she accidentally
was about a man who grew up on the right side of town but hooked up with a white trash RV park girl by the name of Billy Joe. How his net worth was halved in 6 months. He lost his
being able to eat a whole pot of bears without farting later. The almighty yankees cap once did an episode of Murder, She Wrote. That one was a pin in her hat.
First is ROcky Horror. the second is Tantalus's Dinner for the gods. Now how about the niche that only an Alchemist could fill?
if you love mayonasie because if you don't I hate mayonaise if you hate it too." Her idiotic announcement made up my mind for me. She would have to go. It had been 3 days of bliss
spitting fire in the air the wicked necromancer invoked your name. Your soul like a shadow was there. You swear that you've never seen anything like this peril but true blood will
The night she pretended to be an Emergency Room Doctor and handled 27 poor souls before the police got there and arrested her. She never finished high school. But she could see.
therefore I will cease to believe in bees. They are an impossible thing. I will no longer see them. not even if they are in my face. I shun thee Satan's minion. Sent to rent my so
the worn luster. I is for aisle seat. N is for the gnu in her shoes. E is for her crossed eyes. That Spells PAULINE. That is what We called my fat sausage machine. Her blades might
Suddenly it was my turn to shine. I shot out of my chair and shouted out "Don't look Pearl." She would have already had them in sight by then. Pearl looked salaciously where she lo
The voice came back. The one that I call Wormtongue. Always pleading for mercy. Anyway, he said he trusts you so that I should trust you too. But being from Crete I am bound to lie
I don't know how long I waited before I had something to follow that if. I want to say it was only time but then it wasn't time. Or enough. Though it last a thousand years a day.
"War was just around the corner. Is round the corner. It is Nigh!" Something sublime about the spiritual warfare we are involved in and how I wound up at your cousin Schlomo's bar
sleeps with me. It gave me a lot of gas, and I felt bad for that, but he seems to have slept through the smell (I hope). The dragon seems to have noticed, but didn't say anything.
Day by day, though, his dollops were doled out dutifully in due time. Wherever his journey took him, he needed to find a way to get more dollops, fast.
with a schizophrenic man who thought he was the head of the Chicago mafia. I could no longer engage in his game. My husband needed professional help before I went crazy, too.
The CTMT, or Climatological Tidal Model of the Thermosphere, showed that the sun's radiation was heating up ocean waters faster than ever before—and the people of the island had